Saturday, December 19, 2009
Less than 3 days
Guess who can't wait? :D
I celebrated Christmas today with my mom and brother, since I'll be gone for the real thing. Almost no presents though, since it's not really Christmas yet, so I'll bring some to the US, I guess.
I ate pinnekjøtt! *Proud* (For the unlikeliness of someone reading this who doesn't know me well: I don't really eat a lot of different types of food. Kinda close to none at all. So this is a big deal). And I even liked it. Yes, I said it, I liked something that doesn't taste like air.
Now I'll go to bed, still in shock.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I can't sleep
My rubber duckie <3

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I knew it the moment you walked into the door
I'm 16! Yaay!
I waited a while to write this post, thinking I'd have the pictures from my birthday by now. Yes, you guessed it, I don't. I'll post them once I do though. It was kinda a theme-thing, everyone dressed like dudes (we were all girls). To avoid girl-drama. And believe it or not, it worked. I feel accomplished.
So party on Saturday, real birthday on Thursday. Karoline made me an awesome chocolate cake, I'll need to post pictures of that too, once I get them.
I waited a while to write this post, thinking I'd have the pictures from my birthday by now. Yes, you guessed it, I don't. I'll post them once I do though. It was kinda a theme-thing, everyone dressed like dudes (we were all girls). To avoid girl-drama. And believe it or not, it worked. I feel accomplished.
So party on Saturday, real birthday on Thursday. Karoline made me an awesome chocolate cake, I'll need to post pictures of that too, once I get them.
I have a few pictures for you while you're waiting:

I still can't believe that Cecilie made me these (the cookiemonster-cupcakes, in case you are stupid and didn't understad). You rock! :D
So non-birthday related:
"It's not like I think about you constantly
So maybe I do, but that shouldn't affect your life anymore"
Guess which song? There's a surprise for the first person who does! :D

So non-birthday related:
"It's not like I think about you constantly
So maybe I do, but that shouldn't affect your life anymore"
Guess which song? There's a surprise for the first person who does! :D
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Still 15!
I still have some hours left of being a kid.
And how do I use those hours? I watch Pocahontas! Or, I would, if my computer would play nice. Which it won't, so..
Oh well, I'll just read and listen to music. No, not school-reading, good reading.
And I'm convinced I'll look completely different tomorrow when I turn 16, so here's a picture of me, very 15. Maybe tomorrow I'll be all grown-up, aka different.... Naaaaah. : D
And how do I use those hours? I watch Pocahontas! Or, I would, if my computer would play nice. Which it won't, so..
Oh well, I'll just read and listen to music. No, not school-reading, good reading.
And I'm convinced I'll look completely different tomorrow when I turn 16, so here's a picture of me, very 15. Maybe tomorrow I'll be all grown-up, aka different.... Naaaaah. : D
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Book, but which book?
I felt like reading a book. But which book? A book I've read, or a new one? The choice ended up being between Wuthering Heights or The Icewind Dale Triology. I couldn't decide, so I ended up reading Tales From Moominvalley. I have no regrets.
So I'm taking a small break now, mostly because I'm hugry. So.. American pancakes ftw! I haven't had that in a while. And also because I wanted you guys to be updated on my interesting life. So here you go:
Doesn't that sound exciting?
Oh wait, I almost forgot. I went to see New Moon yesterday. It was better than expected, so that's cool.
But my pancakes are waiting. Farewell, good people of where ever you're from.

So I'm taking a small break now, mostly because I'm hugry. So.. American pancakes ftw! I haven't had that in a while. And also because I wanted you guys to be updated on my interesting life. So here you go:
Doesn't that sound exciting?
Oh wait, I almost forgot. I went to see New Moon yesterday. It was better than expected, so that's cool.
But my pancakes are waiting. Farewell, good people of where ever you're from.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I'm at school, 4. period, kinda bored. So what am I doing? Reading MLIA and writing a new post of course.
Today my 6 year old neice was sent to the principal's office. Apparently using your pregnant teacher as an example of a whale is wrong. She had no clue. I can't stop laughing. MLIA
Today, in one of my classes, a student's phone rang. He answered the phone, yelled "What? I'll be right there!" And then ripped off his clothes, revealing a superman costume he was wearing underneath. He then left the classroom, leaving our teacher so confused that she didnt finish teaching us the lesson. MLIA
Today, I vowed to catch the girl next to me copying off my homework. I quickly erased my correct answers and replaced them with absolute nonsense. The girl raised her hand to answer one of the questions. She said that Abraham Lincoln invented the elevator and that new immigrants had to pass through Candy Land before entering the United States. I've done my job. MLIA
I want to try the superman one sometime. Really. And I shouldn't read this in class, seeing as how I sometimes start laughing hysterically. My teachers probably think I'm a freak. :)
You need some new songs for your playlist, you say? Well I'll help you out.
The Spill Canvas - Staplegunned
Oomph! - Niemand
Bush - Superman
The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen
Today my 6 year old neice was sent to the principal's office. Apparently using your pregnant teacher as an example of a whale is wrong. She had no clue. I can't stop laughing. MLIA
Today, in one of my classes, a student's phone rang. He answered the phone, yelled "What? I'll be right there!" And then ripped off his clothes, revealing a superman costume he was wearing underneath. He then left the classroom, leaving our teacher so confused that she didnt finish teaching us the lesson. MLIA
Today, I vowed to catch the girl next to me copying off my homework. I quickly erased my correct answers and replaced them with absolute nonsense. The girl raised her hand to answer one of the questions. She said that Abraham Lincoln invented the elevator and that new immigrants had to pass through Candy Land before entering the United States. I've done my job. MLIA
I want to try the superman one sometime. Really. And I shouldn't read this in class, seeing as how I sometimes start laughing hysterically. My teachers probably think I'm a freak. :)
You need some new songs for your playlist, you say? Well I'll help you out.
The Spill Canvas - Staplegunned
Oomph! - Niemand
Bush - Superman
The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
So.. Yeah.. Uhm.. I'm a great blogger, right? :D
My apologies to you, my few wonderful, or just simply bored, readers.
I've been busy. Since last time I wrote, some of these things have happened: My farmor died, I went to the US for a week, Halloween, I'm pissed at quite a few exchange programs I wanted to use next year, and a few schoolweeks straight out of Hell.
But I'll try to write more often. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

My apologies to you, my few wonderful, or just simply bored, readers.
I've been busy. Since last time I wrote, some of these things have happened: My farmor died, I went to the US for a week, Halloween, I'm pissed at quite a few exchange programs I wanted to use next year, and a few schoolweeks straight out of Hell.
But I'll try to write more often. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
'Cause baby I'm not alright when you go, I'm not fine
Please be all mine
I never want you to go,
Because I am all yours, so please be all mine..
Guess today's lyrics, and get a free iPod! Well, you know that's complete bullshit, you can still guess though, if you want to.
So I'm back. Back as in back to writing posts, and as in back to Vestnes, just another small insignificant town in Norway. It's kinda nice to be back, though I liked Amsterdam. But only liked, I wouldn't want to live there, for instance. So I've seen Madam Tussaud's, Anne Frank's house/hideout, all the canals, the red light district, hard rock cafe.. Well, it's been interesting.
And I heard this guy with an awesome voice play in the Dam Square a few times, that was cool. Rupert Blackman. You should have heard his version of "Better Together". He said he might post in on youtube, so I'll give you guys the link if he does. And yeah, just fyi, I bet Amsterdam has enough bikes to feed my entire small but still not so small country. I'm not quite sure about how you feed from bikes, but we'd figure out if we had them.
And what's a trip to Amsterdam (or actually anywhere) without pictures?

I never want you to go,
Because I am all yours, so please be all mine..
Guess today's lyrics, and get a free iPod! Well, you know that's complete bullshit, you can still guess though, if you want to.
So I'm back. Back as in back to writing posts, and as in back to Vestnes, just another small insignificant town in Norway. It's kinda nice to be back, though I liked Amsterdam. But only liked, I wouldn't want to live there, for instance. So I've seen Madam Tussaud's, Anne Frank's house/hideout, all the canals, the red light district, hard rock cafe.. Well, it's been interesting.
And I heard this guy with an awesome voice play in the Dam Square a few times, that was cool. Rupert Blackman. You should have heard his version of "Better Together". He said he might post in on youtube, so I'll give you guys the link if he does. And yeah, just fyi, I bet Amsterdam has enough bikes to feed my entire small but still not so small country. I'm not quite sure about how you feed from bikes, but we'd figure out if we had them.
And what's a trip to Amsterdam (or actually anywhere) without pictures?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I have faith in YOU, it's the talking mice that concern me.
Good morning!
I find it hard to believe that I woke up this early on a Sunday, but miracles happen.
So today I'm filling up a suitcase of stuff, since we're leaving tomorrow for Amsterdam. Maybe I should leave some room in the mentioned suitcase, so I can bring home even more stuff than I brought there! =D
I'll end todays post with a quote from Wuthering Heights:
Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you - haunt me, then! The murdered DO haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts HAVE wandered on earth. Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! Only DO not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you. Oh God! It is unutterable! I CANNOT live without my life! I CANNOT live without my soul!
I find it hard to believe that I woke up this early on a Sunday, but miracles happen.
So today I'm filling up a suitcase of stuff, since we're leaving tomorrow for Amsterdam. Maybe I should leave some room in the mentioned suitcase, so I can bring home even more stuff than I brought there! =D
I'll end todays post with a quote from Wuthering Heights:
Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you - haunt me, then! The murdered DO haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts HAVE wandered on earth. Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! Only DO not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you. Oh God! It is unutterable! I CANNOT live without my life! I CANNOT live without my soul!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My day

School, Molde, Julie, Awesome slippers, Siri, Silje. Something like that. And rain of course, a lot of it too. It's been constantly raining for about two weeks now.
Apart from this, I have no interesting updates I'd like to share. I mentioned I'm going to Amsterdam, right? If you read this, you probably knew already anyway. Leaving on Monday, I'll be home Friday. I'll probably write another post before I leave though.
Our vacation starts tomorrow, yay! Just a week, but a week's enough, for now. I was thinking about sleeping through the whole week, but might as well have some fun, and have a life, since I'm usually to busy to have a life. And btw, Wuthering Heights is great. G'night, y'all!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hello world, hope you're listening
I've finished reading Hamlet, so no cool quotes anymore, in case you missed them and wondered where they'd gone. I liked the play, the 40 % I understood, that is.I'll read it again in a while I think.
I just started reading wuthering heights btw, so maybe I'll find some quotes there I'll feel like using as titles. Or just somewhere in a post. We'll see. For now, you'll just have to make do with parts of a cute song:
Hello, world, hope you're listening
Forgive me if I'm young or speaking out of turn
But there's someone that I've been missin'
And I think that they could be the better half of me
They're in the wrong place, tryin' to make it right...
...But all I see is you and me
The fight for you is all I've ever known
So come home...
Yes, today's title is from this song. Creative, aye?
I just started reading wuthering heights btw, so maybe I'll find some quotes there I'll feel like using as titles. Or just somewhere in a post. We'll see. For now, you'll just have to make do with parts of a cute song:
Hello, world, hope you're listening
Forgive me if I'm young or speaking out of turn
But there's someone that I've been missin'
And I think that they could be the better half of me
They're in the wrong place, tryin' to make it right...
...But all I see is you and me
The fight for you is all I've ever known
So come home...
Yes, today's title is from this song. Creative, aye?
Monday, September 21, 2009
5th period English class
Very interesting, I must say. Right now we're making sentences like There was a great film on TV last night. It was the best I've ever seen. The bold writing was already there. I must say this is terribly difficult. We're only in the first grade of "Videregående", this is way too hard. We should really start off with something simpler, like "I am, you are, he/she/it is".
Btw, notice that "A" ? Look at it closely. Closer. See it?:D Haha. Julie made it.
Ta-Da! Our English class is over, Norwegian next. Our strange, spitting teacher is going to read my text about Cecilie aloud. Hahaha. Cecilie isn't very happy. I kinda made her look like a farmgirl from far up in the mountains or something. Sorry Cecilie. :]

Ta-Da! Our English class is over, Norwegian next. Our strange, spitting teacher is going to read my text about Cecilie aloud. Hahaha. Cecilie isn't very happy. I kinda made her look like a farmgirl from far up in the mountains or something. Sorry Cecilie. :]
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I pr'ythee, take thy fingers from my throat;
Aw, I'll miss my artistic walls, I really will.
Obviously my room's not finished yet. In a few weeks maybe? I'm putting up a new tapestry, and I'm painting it. I'll keep you updated, since I bet you all (3-4 readers) want to read about this.
Tonight there's a party I've been looking forward to, with the theme "Bad taste". I'll take lots of pictures! My own outfit is beautiful btw.
And that's all for tonight folks!


Obviously my room's not finished yet. In a few weeks maybe? I'm putting up a new tapestry, and I'm painting it. I'll keep you updated, since I bet you all (3-4 readers) want to read about this.
Tonight there's a party I've been looking forward to, with the theme "Bad taste". I'll take lots of pictures! My own outfit is beautiful btw.
And that's all for tonight folks!
Monday, September 14, 2009
"Where is Polonius?" "In heaven: send thither to see: if your messenger find him not there, seek him i' the other place yourself."
Friday, September 11, 2009
Big Stan
Are you disappointed because of the missing Hamlet quote? I haven't read today, so you'll have to wait. Sorry :]
I can write about my entire day in one sentence. Tired, math test, French, gym, rain, ice cream, rain, ferry. Well that's not really a sentence, but it'll have to do. "So what's with the title?" you'll wonder. Or if you've talked to me within the last 24 hours, maybe not. I watched the movie Big Stan yesterday. I liked it. It was funny. Mostly because of "Robbie", aka the guy who plays Jasper in Twilight. I love Jasper. And Robbie. And probably the other characters he plays in movies. I'll be nice enough to post a picture.. Make that two.

I can write about my entire day in one sentence. Tired, math test, French, gym, rain, ice cream, rain, ferry. Well that's not really a sentence, but it'll have to do. "So what's with the title?" you'll wonder. Or if you've talked to me within the last 24 hours, maybe not. I watched the movie Big Stan yesterday. I liked it. It was funny. Mostly because of "Robbie", aka the guy who plays Jasper in Twilight. I love Jasper. And Robbie. And probably the other characters he plays in movies. I'll be nice enough to post a picture.. Make that two.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Fine, I'm changing the title.
Due to some serious spam. I'm telling you, you're missing out on an awesome quote.
For the first time in days, I'm writing from home, not from school. Wow.
Quote from Hamlet again, if you didn't notice. This one was kind of cool, and even perfectly understandable.
I don't really have anything to write about. Or, actually I do. Silje's here atm, and Lars Erik's moving out. Soon. Arrrr. Well, not if I can stop him. Niahhahahaha... I'll stop writing now. Adieu.
For the first time in days, I'm writing from home, not from school. Wow.
Quote from Hamlet again, if you didn't notice. This one was kind of cool, and even perfectly understandable.
I don't really have anything to write about. Or, actually I do. Silje's here atm, and Lars Erik's moving out. Soon. Arrrr. Well, not if I can stop him. Niahhahahaha... I'll stop writing now. Adieu.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Or, if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool; for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them.
Yes, I've decided to give you a daily quote from Hamlet. I know you appreciate it. I've read half the play now, in case you wanted an update. And if you didn't you got one anyway.
Right now I'm in geography class. I only have this class left, and then I'm done for today. My semi-bald teacher has a big bandaid on his forehead, it's quite captivating. Just fyi.
In case you want to know what we're doing atm, I'll give you a clue. My paint-skills are just wonderful!
Right now I'm in geography class. I only have this class left, and then I'm done for today. My semi-bald teacher has a big bandaid on his forehead, it's quite captivating. Just fyi.
In case you want to know what we're doing atm, I'll give you a clue. My paint-skills are just wonderful!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a god-kissing carrion,--Have you a daughter?
Anyone who wants to guess where this line comes from?
I won't give you the chance. Hamlet! I just started reading it, it's kinda cool. Very old and strange, but cool. Mostly strange. I'll write later, my class is starting.
I won't give you the chance. Hamlet! I just started reading it, it's kinda cool. Very old and strange, but cool. Mostly strange. I'll write later, my class is starting.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
It's been a while
This is why I have no readers. For those who don't get my point, it's because I suddenly take a month off from writing. And even after saying I'd write soon. Well, there are many other reasons why I don't have readers, but this one is among them. I know 1-2 of my friends read this once in a while, I haven't forgotten you. Thanx btw.
So school has started. This takes up the majority of my time, since I wake up at five and get home at five. Yes, I lied, it only takes half my time. But half is more than enough. Besides, I'm always tired when I get home, after a night of barely any sleep and a long day at school. Well, it makes me appreciate the weekends more I guess.
Tonight I've fulfilled a dream. I tried out the combination of a big water fountain + a lot of soap. I've always wanted to try that. And the result was wonderful. People stopped to take pictures. Well, at least before someone had to turn it off to prevent bubbles from taking over Molde. By tomorrow I expect we'll be famous.
I also went to see Inglorious Basterds today. If you haven't seen it, please do. It's great, really great.
I don't have any pictures from today yet, but I'll put them up once I do.
So school has started. This takes up the majority of my time, since I wake up at five and get home at five. Yes, I lied, it only takes half my time. But half is more than enough. Besides, I'm always tired when I get home, after a night of barely any sleep and a long day at school. Well, it makes me appreciate the weekends more I guess.
Tonight I've fulfilled a dream. I tried out the combination of a big water fountain + a lot of soap. I've always wanted to try that. And the result was wonderful. People stopped to take pictures. Well, at least before someone had to turn it off to prevent bubbles from taking over Molde. By tomorrow I expect we'll be famous.
I also went to see Inglorious Basterds today. If you haven't seen it, please do. It's great, really great.
I don't have any pictures from today yet, but I'll put them up once I do.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Home, Sleep and Sweden.
You know my imagination is running low when I give you a headline like that. It's about 2.45 AM atm, so that might be why. I'm starting to get sorta tired. But I'm not going to bed yet. I feel like talking to people. Well, those who are still awake. And If I go crazy, then will you still call me superman? A secret gift to whoever figures out what song I'm listening to atm.
I've been home for a few days now. I've seen most of my closest friends, which I'm grateful for. I've missed them. But I'll find a way to get back to the US as soon as possible. How? I'll let you know when I know.
I'm going to the capital of Sweden tomorrow, and I'm staying until the 18th. Anyone who knows the name of Sweden's capital? Anyone? I'm testing your geography skills.
(This is a picture of Sweden's capital, if you need help)
I'm going with my mom, so it's a "girls only" trip I guess. This will be interesting.
I think I'm going to bed now. I'll write again sometime after I come home. How soon after I come home, that's another story.. No, I'll write soon. Promise.
I've been home for a few days now. I've seen most of my closest friends, which I'm grateful for. I've missed them. But I'll find a way to get back to the US as soon as possible. How? I'll let you know when I know.
I'm going to the capital of Sweden tomorrow, and I'm staying until the 18th. Anyone who knows the name of Sweden's capital? Anyone? I'm testing your geography skills.

I'm going with my mom, so it's a "girls only" trip I guess. This will be interesting.
I think I'm going to bed now. I'll write again sometime after I come home. How soon after I come home, that's another story.. No, I'll write soon. Promise.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I don't want to leave
Tomorrow's the day I'm going home to Norway, and I don't want to. I want to stay here. I like this place, and I love the people. I feel like I haven't done anything this summer, and yet, this is the best summer I've ever had. The last part I can blame on my friends and family. I wish I could stay until.. Christmas sounds good? I miss those at home, a lot, so I'll have to go home eventually. But just another week, at least another day..? I almost hope we miss our plane.

Some of the pictures get all fucked up with bad quality, but that's not my fault. Be mad at Blogger.
Tomorrow I'm going to see my farmor (she has Alzheimer's and doesn't remember me) before we leave, and hopefully my farfar as well. There are some other people I'd love to see before we leave, and I hope I get to say goodbye to them too. Our plane leaves at around 4 pm from Logan airport. Then we get on a flight from Newark to Oslo, and from Oslo to Ålesund. Basically there's a lot of traveling. Well, I'll write again sometime when I get home. Or if I somehow manage to pull off something so we can stay longer. Got any ideas as to what I can do to stay?
Okay, enough whining. I'll give you some pictures radiating happiness.
Ice cream, wonderful ice cream.
Stowe, Vermont
Yes, I know I look pathetic. But we look happy, don't we?
Me and Farfar ftw!
Lars Erik, me and Farfar
Ice cream, wonderful ice cream.
Some of the pictures get all fucked up with bad quality, but that's not my fault. Be mad at Blogger.
Tomorrow I'm going to see my farmor (she has Alzheimer's and doesn't remember me) before we leave, and hopefully my farfar as well. There are some other people I'd love to see before we leave, and I hope I get to say goodbye to them too. Our plane leaves at around 4 pm from Logan airport. Then we get on a flight from Newark to Oslo, and from Oslo to Ålesund. Basically there's a lot of traveling. Well, I'll write again sometime when I get home. Or if I somehow manage to pull off something so we can stay longer. Got any ideas as to what I can do to stay?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
So, for those who don't know, I'm in Stowe, a small place in the state of Vermont. I've been here since Saturday, I'm going back to Stow (MA) on the coming Saturday. Sort of weird that both places are called Stow(e). This will be a short post, I'm going to beat my brother at tennis in a few minutes.
Yesterday we were at the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory. I love their ice cream, and we got free samples. A few days earlier, we tok a ferry across lake whatsitsname, over to upstate New York. We didn't do much there, just drove around. And Alex (my cousin) and Joe (my cousin's friend) were here for a night, which was great. That's about all that's happened here in Vermont. But it's beautiful here, it looks a lot like Vestnes. Trees and mountains everywhere. Nothing ever happens here.. Yes, very much like Vestnes.
My time in the US so far has been wonderful. I do not want to go home yet. But I miss those at home of course, so I'm looking forward to seeing them again. But then I'll really miss those who are here. Arrrr.
But now I'm playing tennis. I might write again before I go home to Norway. And since many people think that blog posts without pictures are boring, here's a picture of half-a-tree, a very cute one. I want a tree like that.
Yesterday we were at the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory. I love their ice cream, and we got free samples. A few days earlier, we tok a ferry across lake whatsitsname, over to upstate New York. We didn't do much there, just drove around. And Alex (my cousin) and Joe (my cousin's friend) were here for a night, which was great. That's about all that's happened here in Vermont. But it's beautiful here, it looks a lot like Vestnes. Trees and mountains everywhere. Nothing ever happens here.. Yes, very much like Vestnes.
My time in the US so far has been wonderful. I do not want to go home yet. But I miss those at home of course, so I'm looking forward to seeing them again. But then I'll really miss those who are here. Arrrr.
But now I'm playing tennis. I might write again before I go home to Norway. And since many people think that blog posts without pictures are boring, here's a picture of half-a-tree, a very cute one. I want a tree like that.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wow. Just wow.
Jamie Cullum. This is coming a bit late, but I've been busy. Anyway... Yeah, Jamie Cullum. The concert was great. No, it was beyond great. It was raining and it was freakin' cold, but still so worth it. Jamie + band were awesome. They played my favorites, plus some I hadn't heard before. Like London Skies, Get It Your Way and Photograph. And he was so funny.
"I actually worked on a Norwegian cruise ship for 6 years!" *Laughter* "Why are you laughing? That's really not funny!" *Laughter* "Seriously, every night an old drunk lady wold come up to me and say 'plaay mooun rivvver!!'. I played that song 20 times every night!"
"I know I have the body of a 12-year-old, but they say I'll be happy for it when I'm 60."
It doesn't sound that funny when I write it, but it was. If you were there, you'd know.
So I really hope he's coming back next year. Earlier than next year would be preferable. Whenever you're coming Jamie, I'll be there. I think I have a mini-crush on this guy. But how can anyone possibly not, if they've seen/heard him?
"I actually worked on a Norwegian cruise ship for 6 years!" *Laughter* "Why are you laughing? That's really not funny!" *Laughter* "Seriously, every night an old drunk lady wold come up to me and say 'plaay mooun rivvver!!'. I played that song 20 times every night!"
"I know I have the body of a 12-year-old, but they say I'll be happy for it when I'm 60."
It doesn't sound that funny when I write it, but it was. If you were there, you'd know.
So I really hope he's coming back next year. Earlier than next year would be preferable. Whenever you're coming Jamie, I'll be there. I think I have a mini-crush on this guy. But how can anyone possibly not, if they've seen/heard him?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Jamie Cullum
Those who actually read my blog probably know about the Moldejazz. For those who don't, the Moldejazz is the yearly jazz-festival in the closest city. I haven't been there for many years, I'm usually gone this time of the summer. But I'm here now. And I've been looking forward to this week for a while now (Yes, it lasts for a week). And I wanted to go to some of the concerts. I found Jamie Cullum, who's playing tomorrow, and chose him as my first concert this year. I'd never heard about him or his music before, but I did some research. And I actually like his music a lot! I instantly fell for High and dry & Twentysomething. Anyone who's heard about him before? Heard his music?
The concert starts 3 pm, but I have to wake up early to walk to the ferry, then take the ferry over to Molde, then buy tickets.. I need all the sleep I can get. 'Night!

Monday, July 6, 2009
10 reasons why I'm happy today
1. I woke up smiling.
2. It's sunny outside.
3. I got to say goodbye to Julie before she goes to England.
4. I'm meeting Amalie later.
5. My sunburn's starting to fade.
6. I didn't forget anything when I went grocery-shopping.
7. I woke up early, but could sleep as long as I wanted to.
8. My room hasn't been overheated all day, which it usually is.
9. It's less than two weeks until I'm going to the US.
10. Siri's coming home soon.
11. Everything's pretty great.
That was 11, if you didn't notice. Just had to add that last one.
I haven't written anything in my blog for.. Well, over a month. But this isn't my first priority when we've been having great weather the last month. Except a thunderstorm, but that's okay, 'cause I love thunderstorms. We never get proper ones here, but the one we had a week ago was great. I should have taken some pictures, but I didn't. Do you like thunderstorms?
2. It's sunny outside.
3. I got to say goodbye to Julie before she goes to England.
4. I'm meeting Amalie later.
5. My sunburn's starting to fade.
6. I didn't forget anything when I went grocery-shopping.
7. I woke up early, but could sleep as long as I wanted to.
8. My room hasn't been overheated all day, which it usually is.
9. It's less than two weeks until I'm going to the US.
10. Siri's coming home soon.
11. Everything's pretty great.
That was 11, if you didn't notice. Just had to add that last one.
I haven't written anything in my blog for.. Well, over a month. But this isn't my first priority when we've been having great weather the last month. Except a thunderstorm, but that's okay, 'cause I love thunderstorms. We never get proper ones here, but the one we had a week ago was great. I should have taken some pictures, but I didn't. Do you like thunderstorms?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Countdown and randomness.
Yay, I actually made a countdown.
In other news.. I spent most of my day with Astrid, one of my best friends. We went for a short walk, and then we went back here to bake krumkaker. Yum. ^^
And just a moment ago I learned that my grandmother is in the hospital. She had panic attacks, and I think she's only staying in the hospital for a few days. I hope she'll be alright. I'm talking about my grandmother in the US btw, for those who wonder.
I got to talk to my uncle and my cousin Alex today btw, which I rarely do. I'm looking forward to seeing them and everybody else this summer!
Since I'm sure you all want to know exactly what I'm listening to: The Spill Canvas - Lullaby
That song is so beautiful. You shine so bright, it's insane, you put the sun to shame. This might sound cliché, but that line reminds me of my friends. I love you guys.
I have a Norwegian presentation tomorrow I think, so wish me luck!
In other news.. I spent most of my day with Astrid, one of my best friends. We went for a short walk, and then we went back here to bake krumkaker. Yum. ^^
And just a moment ago I learned that my grandmother is in the hospital. She had panic attacks, and I think she's only staying in the hospital for a few days. I hope she'll be alright. I'm talking about my grandmother in the US btw, for those who wonder.
I got to talk to my uncle and my cousin Alex today btw, which I rarely do. I'm looking forward to seeing them and everybody else this summer!
Since I'm sure you all want to know exactly what I'm listening to: The Spill Canvas - Lullaby
That song is so beautiful. You shine so bright, it's insane, you put the sun to shame. This might sound cliché, but that line reminds me of my friends. I love you guys.
I have a Norwegian presentation tomorrow I think, so wish me luck!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
July 19th - August 10th :D
July 19th - August 10th!
If you wonder, that's the time I'll be spending in the US this summer. I'm traveling alone for the first time ever, since my brother can't come over until July 26th. The first week I'll be spending a lot of time with my grandparents, I'm visiting various schools, and I'm going guitar-shopping. And hopefully I'll be seeing the rest of my family, and other friends.. I wanna go now. Tonight! :D Oh well. I'll make a countdown. 56 days to go!
This is the guitar I want by the way. I believe in love at first sight.
If you read my last post, you might wonder how that mountainpeak-party went. It was fun. A lot better than expected. They even listened to the CD I brought! So maybe I won't give up on them quite yet. Many of them are currently listening to Backstreet Boys and Westlife, can they still be saved? I'll keep on trying.
I got a new mp3-player btw. It's the same as my beloved, dead pink one, except for the color. The new one has a darker color, not nearly as perfect as my old one. But I still love it. ;D
If you wonder, that's the time I'll be spending in the US this summer. I'm traveling alone for the first time ever, since my brother can't come over until July 26th. The first week I'll be spending a lot of time with my grandparents, I'm visiting various schools, and I'm going guitar-shopping. And hopefully I'll be seeing the rest of my family, and other friends.. I wanna go now. Tonight! :D Oh well. I'll make a countdown. 56 days to go!
This is the guitar I want by the way. I believe in love at first sight.

If you read my last post, you might wonder how that mountainpeak-party went. It was fun. A lot better than expected. They even listened to the CD I brought! So maybe I won't give up on them quite yet. Many of them are currently listening to Backstreet Boys and Westlife, can they still be saved? I'll keep on trying.
I got a new mp3-player btw. It's the same as my beloved, dead pink one, except for the color. The new one has a darker color, not nearly as perfect as my old one. But I still love it. ;D
Thursday, May 14, 2009
One more thing
Yellowcard, people, Yellowcard. I'm addicted atm.
Ocean Avenue
Only One
Hear those songs. And if you have, do you like them?
Ocean Avenue
Only One
Hear those songs. And if you have, do you like them?
Party on a mountainpeak
I haven't written anything for a while, if you didn't notice. I've had my written exam, or exams I should say, since the subject was Norwegian. Why can't this country just choose one language, instead of two? Then there'd be just one exam. And looking at the bigger picture; it'd be a lot easier for everyone. Anyone who's with me? I vote bokmål!
Tomorrow's Friday. I like Fridays. Last day of the week and all. After school I think I'm dropping by the the church's office. I've been a Christian since birth, but I'm not really a believer. I want to convert to Buddhism. So I might do that tomorrow. Or maybe not, since I need to fill out a form and stuff, it could take some time.
So to be a good Buddhist I'll have to be nice and stuff. Like really nice. And I want to be that. Help others. Not have feelings like envy, hate and such.. Maybe in a few years. One of my best friends, Julie, made this picture of me with one of my most famous quotes. :p
Anyway, at some point tomorrow, around 9 pm, I'll be on my way to the top of a small mountain. Great party location I must say. It'll be fun though. Most of my class will be there, and some other people. I'd never thought my class could handle a party, so this will be interesting. If you knew them you'd understand. If, whoever you are, know them, I suppose you DO understand. They're all great. But still not the kind of people you expect to throw a real party.
But I'll write again soon. Then I'll update you on the mountainpeak-party, and some other stuff as well.
Tomorrow's Friday. I like Fridays. Last day of the week and all. After school I think I'm dropping by the the church's office. I've been a Christian since birth, but I'm not really a believer. I want to convert to Buddhism. So I might do that tomorrow. Or maybe not, since I need to fill out a form and stuff, it could take some time.
So to be a good Buddhist I'll have to be nice and stuff. Like really nice. And I want to be that. Help others. Not have feelings like envy, hate and such.. Maybe in a few years. One of my best friends, Julie, made this picture of me with one of my most famous quotes. :p

Anyway, at some point tomorrow, around 9 pm, I'll be on my way to the top of a small mountain. Great party location I must say. It'll be fun though. Most of my class will be there, and some other people. I'd never thought my class could handle a party, so this will be interesting. If you knew them you'd understand. If, whoever you are, know them, I suppose you DO understand. They're all great. But still not the kind of people you expect to throw a real party.
But I'll write again soon. Then I'll update you on the mountainpeak-party, and some other stuff as well.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It's hard to believe it's still only April. It was sunny all day, so I spent a lot of time outside. Sun+porch+book+lemonade=summer, in my head. I could have pretended it was summer, except for the fact that I was reading about carbon chemistry, which I wouldn't have been doing if it were summer. Oh well, I only have 29 schooldays left. 44 days if I count weekends and such. And I can't wait. So this post will be entirely about this summer. Or summers in general. Something like that.

As usual, I will be going to the US for a few weeks this summer. I'm not sure when yet, but probably in July. We (Me, my dad and my brother) might spend a week in Norway this year, since some relatives will be around the area. And we'll spend one week in Vermont with my grandparents. So that gives us exactly one week in Stow, where my dad lives. One week so visit friends and family we see once a year or less. This kinda sucks. But that one week will be great.
In August I'm going somewhere with my mom, but I don't know where yet. She wants to go to Italy or Sweden, I want to go to France or Germany. Where ever we're going, it'll be great.
The rest of the summer I'll just enjoy the freedom. Combined with my friends of course.♥
And now I have to pretend to enjoy carbon chemistry. I have a test tomorrow, so wish me luck!

As usual, I will be going to the US for a few weeks this summer. I'm not sure when yet, but probably in July. We (Me, my dad and my brother) might spend a week in Norway this year, since some relatives will be around the area. And we'll spend one week in Vermont with my grandparents. So that gives us exactly one week in Stow, where my dad lives. One week so visit friends and family we see once a year or less. This kinda sucks. But that one week will be great.
In August I'm going somewhere with my mom, but I don't know where yet. She wants to go to Italy or Sweden, I want to go to France or Germany. Where ever we're going, it'll be great.
The rest of the summer I'll just enjoy the freedom. Combined with my friends of course.♥
And now I have to pretend to enjoy carbon chemistry. I have a test tomorrow, so wish me luck!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tomorrow I will have my last midterm at this school. I still have two final exams to look forward to, so yaay.. I'll get to know which subject I'll have the exams in in a few weeks. If it's math, I swear I'll die. Or just cry for a month.
By the way, for those who read what I wrote yesterday: I killed that spider. Captured it is more like it, but it doesn't matter, it's gone. I had to attack it with hairspray, perfume and a glass. It was rather dramatic. I have a theory that spiders are really small devils in.. spidersuits. Anyone who agrees?
I don't really have anything important to write about. So I'll write again when I do. Or when I'm bored, whichever comes first.
By the way, for those who read what I wrote yesterday: I killed that spider. Captured it is more like it, but it doesn't matter, it's gone. I had to attack it with hairspray, perfume and a glass. It was rather dramatic. I have a theory that spiders are really small devils in.. spidersuits. Anyone who agrees?
I don't really have anything important to write about. So I'll write again when I do. Or when I'm bored, whichever comes first.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Love stories, a spider and quotes
I just watched Titanic, again. I love this movie. It's one of the sweetest love stories ever. I simply have a weak spot for love stories. So now I'm listening to "My Heart Will Go On", it has been playing on repeat for almost an hour now.
Did I ever mention that I hate spiders? If I didnt: I HATE SPIDERS. Right now there is a spider somewhere in my room, hiding. I saw it a few minutes ago, but now it's gone. I last saw it right over my bed..... Waait, there it is! Great, once again right over my bed. But I can't kill it, I just can't. They never die, they only pretend. So if I'm brave enough to squash it with some paper, it'll come crawling over my fingers or something the next moment. I'll have to get my mom or my brother to do it. Damn, it just hid again. And I will not sleep in my room if it's not dead before I go to bed. Such small and evil creatures, those spiders.

My brother's girlfriend, Silje, was here for the weekend. I hung out with her while my brother was working on Saturday. I have so many great quotes from that day. Most of them aren't funny in English, that's too bad.
I'm kinda annoyed at youtube atm by the way. I've uploaded the video from my musicproject, but since I used songs with copyright, they've muted it. The whole thing. Arrr..
Now I'm off spiderhunting. I'll write again sometime. Maybe even soon.
Did I ever mention that I hate spiders? If I didnt: I HATE SPIDERS. Right now there is a spider somewhere in my room, hiding. I saw it a few minutes ago, but now it's gone. I last saw it right over my bed..... Waait, there it is! Great, once again right over my bed. But I can't kill it, I just can't. They never die, they only pretend. So if I'm brave enough to squash it with some paper, it'll come crawling over my fingers or something the next moment. I'll have to get my mom or my brother to do it. Damn, it just hid again. And I will not sleep in my room if it's not dead before I go to bed. Such small and evil creatures, those spiders.
My brother's girlfriend, Silje, was here for the weekend. I hung out with her while my brother was working on Saturday. I have so many great quotes from that day. Most of them aren't funny in English, that's too bad.
I'm kinda annoyed at youtube atm by the way. I've uploaded the video from my musicproject, but since I used songs with copyright, they've muted it. The whole thing. Arrr..
Now I'm off spiderhunting. I'll write again sometime. Maybe even soon.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Last day of freedom
Tomorrow school starts again. I'm not looking forward to it, but I shouldn't complain, I've had 12 days of lazyness.
I want to say that my musicproject is done, but we're having some technical problems. I guess that's the downside of making our project in Windows Movie Maker. I'll upload the movie on Thursday btw, when it's hopefully done, since that's the deadline.
Right now I'm listening to one of the cutest songs I've ever heard. Kimya Dawson/ Antsy Pants - Tree Hugger. It's from the movie "Juno".

"And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it." ♥
Heard it?
I want to say that my musicproject is done, but we're having some technical problems. I guess that's the downside of making our project in Windows Movie Maker. I'll upload the movie on Thursday btw, when it's hopefully done, since that's the deadline.
Right now I'm listening to one of the cutest songs I've ever heard. Kimya Dawson/ Antsy Pants - Tree Hugger. It's from the movie "Juno".
"And in the sea there is a fish,
A fish that has a secret wish,
A wish to be a big cactus
With a pink flower on it." ♥
Heard it?
Friday, April 3, 2009
The place where the sidewalk ends.
It's April, yay. This means it won't be long until summer arrives, but it also means midterms and final exams, and a bunch of other crap. Tomorrow I have two presentations, one Norwegian, and one English. And a test about the five greatest religions. Wonderful.
But I'm in a good mood. Summer's approaching, the days are getting longer, the weather's getting warmer. I can't wait for it to be June 12th. That's when my summer-vacation starts, kinda. I have to be at the school the evening of the 22nd, but that's it.
My mp3-player died yesterday by the way. I'm addicted to it, so this is bad, very bad. For the time being I'm using my mother's, I need music to get through a schoolday. I checked up the problem online, and it looks like I'm supposed to return it to the store where I bought it. I bought it somewhere on the road from Boston to DC this summer.. I think I'll just get a new one.

I should be doing school-stuff now, and that's the reason I ended up here. And I'm listening to music, as always. Silverstein - Forever And A Day. That's the song I'm playing on repeat these days, and that's where I got inspiration for this post's title. I'll add it to my playlist sometime soon.
If I want to sleep at all tonight, I should get started on the stuff I need to do for tomorrow, soo..
But I'm in a good mood. Summer's approaching, the days are getting longer, the weather's getting warmer. I can't wait for it to be June 12th. That's when my summer-vacation starts, kinda. I have to be at the school the evening of the 22nd, but that's it.
My mp3-player died yesterday by the way. I'm addicted to it, so this is bad, very bad. For the time being I'm using my mother's, I need music to get through a schoolday. I checked up the problem online, and it looks like I'm supposed to return it to the store where I bought it. I bought it somewhere on the road from Boston to DC this summer.. I think I'll just get a new one.
I should be doing school-stuff now, and that's the reason I ended up here. And I'm listening to music, as always. Silverstein - Forever And A Day. That's the song I'm playing on repeat these days, and that's where I got inspiration for this post's title. I'll add it to my playlist sometime soon.
If I want to sleep at all tonight, I should get started on the stuff I need to do for tomorrow, soo..
Monday, March 23, 2009
Another Sunday
Sleep or not to sleep, that's the question.
It's sort of very late, so I'm considering just not sleeping at all. I have to wake up in 2 hours anyway. The reason I'm up so late is that I had to finish writing a Norwegian essay, and I've been thinking about my warm, cozy bed since I started. I've finished it now, finally. But now I'm not really tired anymore. A bit maybe, but not really.
I'm so weak. I was going to wait to see "The boy in the striped pyjamas" with my friends, but I had it on my computer, it was too tempting. So I watched it. And it was good! You should see it.
Maybe I'll go to bed now. Or maybe not. Anyway, 'Night!
It's sort of very late, so I'm considering just not sleeping at all. I have to wake up in 2 hours anyway. The reason I'm up so late is that I had to finish writing a Norwegian essay, and I've been thinking about my warm, cozy bed since I started. I've finished it now, finally. But now I'm not really tired anymore. A bit maybe, but not really.
I'm so weak. I was going to wait to see "The boy in the striped pyjamas" with my friends, but I had it on my computer, it was too tempting. So I watched it. And it was good! You should see it.
Maybe I'll go to bed now. Or maybe not. Anyway, 'Night!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I knew this would happen
Now it's 01.30 AM, and I still haven't finished those reports, just fyi. I can be so predictable. I have 3 reports left, so I've written 2. I'm sort of proud. Anyway, I can choose between writing the 3 last ones, or I can sleep. I'm sure I'll choose sleep, once again, very predictable. 'Night!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
First post
Yay, I just kinda started a blog. But I probably won't write a lot. And maybe sometimes in Norwegian, I don't know yet. And be aware of the fact that my English isn't even close to perfect. Anyway..
So today's Sunday. Sundays in general are boring. The last day of the week, the day before school starts again, after only a few days of freedom. Sundays when you know there's something you should do, but don't want to do, those are the worst ones. Today is that kind of Sunday. Here's how my Sunday was planned:
1. Wake up.
2. Food and a shower, things like that.
3. Music project. I had to edit a movie for my final music project.
4. After many hours of working on my project, I thought I'd might as well start on my five remaining reports, about light and how it changes when it hits glass, mirrors, and so on. The reports were due to last Friday btw. So I'm only about nine days late.
5. Now I would call my best friend, Siri, since it's her birthday today! (Happy birthday Siri, if you read this :D)
6. By now it would have been late, so I'd make myself some dinner.
7. About now I would have been sitting here, doing nothing, before I went to bed.
You might have guessed that this isn't how today went by. Here's how today actually was:
1. I woke up, and read "Eldest" for a few hours.
2. Food, a shower, just like planned.
3. Nothing
4. Nothing
5. Some more nothing.
6. And now I'm here.
Hey, it's still before 9 PM, I've got a whole eternity.
I'm having difficulties convincing anyone, including myself, that I'll actually do anything school-ish today though. We both know I won't. No, I will. Maybe. We'll see.
So today's Sunday. Sundays in general are boring. The last day of the week, the day before school starts again, after only a few days of freedom. Sundays when you know there's something you should do, but don't want to do, those are the worst ones. Today is that kind of Sunday. Here's how my Sunday was planned:
1. Wake up.
2. Food and a shower, things like that.
3. Music project. I had to edit a movie for my final music project.
4. After many hours of working on my project, I thought I'd might as well start on my five remaining reports, about light and how it changes when it hits glass, mirrors, and so on. The reports were due to last Friday btw. So I'm only about nine days late.
5. Now I would call my best friend, Siri, since it's her birthday today! (Happy birthday Siri, if you read this :D)
6. By now it would have been late, so I'd make myself some dinner.
7. About now I would have been sitting here, doing nothing, before I went to bed.
You might have guessed that this isn't how today went by. Here's how today actually was:
1. I woke up, and read "Eldest" for a few hours.
2. Food, a shower, just like planned.
3. Nothing
4. Nothing
5. Some more nothing.
6. And now I'm here.
Hey, it's still before 9 PM, I've got a whole eternity.
I'm having difficulties convincing anyone, including myself, that I'll actually do anything school-ish today though. We both know I won't. No, I will. Maybe. We'll see.
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