So, for those who don't know, I'm in Stowe, a small place in the state of Vermont. I've been here since Saturday, I'm going back to Stow (MA) on the coming Saturday. Sort of weird that both places are called Stow(e). This will be a short post, I'm going to beat my brother at tennis in a few minutes.
Yesterday we were at the Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory. I love their ice cream, and we got free samples. A few days earlier, we tok a ferry across lake whatsitsname, over to upstate New York. We didn't do much there, just drove around. And Alex (my cousin) and Joe (my cousin's friend) were here for a night, which was great. That's about all that's happened here in Vermont. But it's beautiful here, it looks a lot like Vestnes. Trees and mountains everywhere. Nothing ever happens here.. Yes, very much like Vestnes.
My time in the US so far has been wonderful. I do not want to go home yet. But I miss those at home of course, so I'm looking forward to seeing them again. But then I'll really miss those who are here. Arrrr.
But now I'm playing tennis. I might write again before I go home to Norway. And since many people think that blog posts without pictures are boring, here's a picture of half-a-tree, a very cute one. I want a tree like that.