Sunday, October 31, 2010

The kids don't even say "trick or treat" anymore.

They just stick out their hands for candy. Ungrateful bastards. Anyway.

First, some must-see movies at this time of the year:
1. The nightmare before Christmas
2. Hocus Pocus
3. Young Frankenstein
4. Other Tim Burton movies. And the classics, like Dracula and Frankenstein.

What do these have in common? Yes, that's right, they're not really that scary. I don't like scary movies, which you may or may not know.

Besides that, I can proudly present the pumpkin I spent a good deal of time carving today. It's a certain cat from a certain movie that I happen to love. Can you see who/what it is?

Happy Halloween, everyone!! :D

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I taught my teacher how to say/yell "FAEN".

...Meaning, I taught my teacher to swear in Norwegian. I feel accomplished. And he was the one who asked me to teach him and my fellow students. God, I love LS.

Other than that, I just want you all to know that today is my awesome Amalie's birthday! Love you sweetie, hope you had a great day.

Ah, good old, old times.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Vikings don't need sleep.

It's 3.30 AM, I just got home from Newark, where I saw the concert of my life. Now, I've only seen something like 5 concerts, so that doesn't tell you a lot, but holy shit, they rocked. And who rocked? Muse did. Now I have a test to study for, and some other stuff. Which is perfectly fine, because I have my monster, and sleep is for the weak.

Aand they ended the show with Knights Of Cydonia. Perfect, oh so perfect.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hey guys, guys! I have a thesis!!

First, to all future employers: This blogpost represents the young, careless me, and I am sure that by the time you read this, I've grown into being responsible and timely.
There, once that's out of the way:

If you are, probably because of a serious lack of things to do with your free time, a frequent reader, you will remember me talking about an essay on Beowulf, the epic from the 500's. Yeah, this was more than a week ago. If you know me well, you already know what's coming next: *drums*    I haven't written it yet.
It's not just that I haven't finished it, but up until right now, I hadn't even started. Finally I figured out a partly acceptable thesis-statement, and that's all I have so far. Of course I was so proud of this accomplishment, I had to share it with you at once.

I should also mention that I just had some friends from Oslo/Franklin here, which was great. They are my God-parents, and Katrina has been my "little sis" all my life. Basically they're all family, Brian too even if he's not with them on this trip.

Then all there is for me to do, is to finish my essay! The internet is a scary place, so anyone could, in theory, read this. So just in case: Mr W., I'm sorry about the essay, I'm a terrible student. I promise I'll work on my priorities!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Meet my new friend!

This is my newly purchased friend and companion for the next year, mr. Piggy B. Anks. Yes, such an original name. I'm planning to feed him on a regular basis, and by next summer, maybe he'll be fat enough to butcher. Mohahahaha! Ooor I could just open him up without killing him. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

Did you know that going to homegoods is pretty dangerous? We went in for towels, and came out with towels + 300 dollars worth of other stuff. Like Mr. B. Anks. And pumpkin/spiderweb shaped pasta. And a halloween cookie jar. And a delicious looking sparkling something. And the list goes on. Was it my fault? Yes, partly. But my dad is just as bad as me. Now you must excuse me, I have some zombie shaped/glaced sugarcookies to attend to.