Also known as the-exam-they're-making-me-take-today-because-last-year's-math-in-the-US-apparently-cannot-count. Too bad, I wish they'd use my grade from last year. It was one of the very, veryvery few classes I got an A in. Which is weird, since, y'know, I sort of despise math. But let's hope the weirdness continues, and that I will have a somewhat successful exam today! Cross your fingers for me, alright?
Oh, and I feel like mentioning that I've never worked so hard for anythig in my life. If you saw my math book you'd understand. Or maybe rather if you know how much I usually work for things. Ohwell.
I need to get ready now, so wish me luck!!
This is getting me through the day (Not that I'm allowed to listen to it during the exam though. Grumblemumble..)