Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Also known as the-exam-they're-making-me-take-today-because-last-year's-math-in-the-US-apparently-cannot-count. Too bad, I wish they'd use my grade from last year. It was one of the very, veryvery few classes I got an A in. Which is weird, since, y'know, I sort of despise math. But let's hope the weirdness continues, and that I will have a somewhat successful exam today! Cross your fingers for me, alright?

Oh, and I feel like mentioning that I've never worked so hard for anythig in my life. If you saw my math book you'd understand. Or maybe rather if you know how much I usually work for things. Ohwell.

I need to get ready now, so wish me luck!!

This is getting me through the day (Not that I'm allowed to listen to it during the exam though. Grumblemumble..)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October 31st

Just saluting the best day of the year.

Happy Halloween everyone! And yes, I'm a few days late, but y'know.