System of a Down to reunite in 2011
The L.A. metal band has booked 10 shows in Europe next spring, after a five-year hiatus. "We have no master plan," the group wrote on its website. "We are playing these shows simply because we want to play together again."
-Rolling Stone, Issue 1120/1121
Today just got a lot better. Issue? Tours in Europe. Europe. I'm not in Europe. Issue #2? The concert dates are basically right on my graduation/the two weeks after, when mom is visiting me in the States. Only solution? Going to Milan two days before graduation. I better find a way to make this work.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Marshmallows, music and sick amounts of orange juice.
..Because that is what my life has been for the last 4 days or so. I have a cold. Yes, that's right, feel sorry for me. I have a theory that school has become a go-to-when-I-feel-like-it kind of place. Well, not really, I rarely feel like going to school, yet I still go.Once in a while. Maybe you guessed that I didn't go today. And you are right.
My life isn't all that interesting, which is why I haven't blogged in a while, but here's a quick summary of the last few weeks:
A day or so of school
New theory on consuption of vodka
Lack of sleep
3 days of school
Thanksgiving with family
This stupid cold
Orange juice
Farfar's here.
There you go, nice and easy.
Hopefully things will be more interesting in the time to come. This weekend, apart from being my birthday, I am seeing Harry Potter 7 part one. Not once, but twice. It'll be a great weekend. And surely I'll be stuffed with cake and such too, on Sunday. Then there'll be some quick weeks, and Christmas will be here! Ah, life is good.
Just a feel-good song to end the post.
My life isn't all that interesting, which is why I haven't blogged in a while, but here's a quick summary of the last few weeks:
A day or so of school
New theory on consuption of vodka
Lack of sleep
3 days of school
Thanksgiving with family
This stupid cold
Orange juice
Farfar's here.
There you go, nice and easy.
Hopefully things will be more interesting in the time to come. This weekend, apart from being my birthday, I am seeing Harry Potter 7 part one. Not once, but twice. It'll be a great weekend. And surely I'll be stuffed with cake and such too, on Sunday. Then there'll be some quick weeks, and Christmas will be here! Ah, life is good.
Just a feel-good song to end the post.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
And what do I miss the most?
I miss the people who would make any destination fucking unimportant, as long as they would be there on the journey. That's what matters. And if you have people like that... Staplegun yourself to their backs, chain your feet toghether and never let them go. Well, you probably shouldn't really do that, it might hurt and stuff, but you get the idea. I love you guys.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The kids don't even say "trick or treat" anymore.
They just stick out their hands for candy. Ungrateful bastards. Anyway.
First, some must-see movies at this time of the year:
1. The nightmare before Christmas
2. Hocus Pocus
3. Young Frankenstein
4. Other Tim Burton movies. And the classics, like Dracula and Frankenstein.
What do these have in common? Yes, that's right, they're not really that scary. I don't like scary movies, which you may or may not know.
Besides that, I can proudly present the pumpkin I spent a good deal of time carving today. It's a certain cat from a certain movie that I happen to love. Can you see who/what it is?
Happy Halloween, everyone!! :D
First, some must-see movies at this time of the year:
1. The nightmare before Christmas
2. Hocus Pocus
3. Young Frankenstein
4. Other Tim Burton movies. And the classics, like Dracula and Frankenstein.
What do these have in common? Yes, that's right, they're not really that scary. I don't like scary movies, which you may or may not know.
Besides that, I can proudly present the pumpkin I spent a good deal of time carving today. It's a certain cat from a certain movie that I happen to love. Can you see who/what it is?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I taught my teacher how to say/yell "FAEN".
...Meaning, I taught my teacher to swear in Norwegian. I feel accomplished. And he was the one who asked me to teach him and my fellow students. God, I love LS.
Other than that, I just want you all to know that today is my awesome Amalie's birthday! Love you sweetie, hope you had a great day.
Ah, good old, old times.
Other than that, I just want you all to know that today is my awesome Amalie's birthday! Love you sweetie, hope you had a great day.
Ah, good old, old times.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Vikings don't need sleep.
It's 3.30 AM, I just got home from Newark, where I saw the concert of my life. Now, I've only seen something like 5 concerts, so that doesn't tell you a lot, but holy shit, they rocked. And who rocked? Muse did. Now I have a test to study for, and some other stuff. Which is perfectly fine, because I have my monster, and sleep is for the weak.
Aand they ended the show with Knights Of Cydonia. Perfect, oh so perfect.
Aand they ended the show with Knights Of Cydonia. Perfect, oh so perfect.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Hey guys, guys! I have a thesis!!
First, to all future employers: This blogpost represents the young, careless me, and I am sure that by the time you read this, I've grown into being responsible and timely.
There, once that's out of the way:
If you are, probably because of a serious lack of things to do with your free time, a frequent reader, you will remember me talking about an essay on Beowulf, the epic from the 500's. Yeah, this was more than a week ago. If you know me well, you already know what's coming next: *drums* I haven't written it yet.
It's not just that I haven't finished it, but up until right now, I hadn't even started. Finally I figured out a partly acceptable thesis-statement, and that's all I have so far. Of course I was so proud of this accomplishment, I had to share it with you at once.
I should also mention that I just had some friends from Oslo/Franklin here, which was great. They are my God-parents, and Katrina has been my "little sis" all my life. Basically they're all family, Brian too even if he's not with them on this trip.
Then all there is for me to do, is to finish my essay! The internet is a scary place, so anyone could, in theory, read this. So just in case: Mr W., I'm sorry about the essay, I'm a terrible student. I promise I'll work on my priorities!
There, once that's out of the way:
If you are, probably because of a serious lack of things to do with your free time, a frequent reader, you will remember me talking about an essay on Beowulf, the epic from the 500's. Yeah, this was more than a week ago. If you know me well, you already know what's coming next: *drums* I haven't written it yet.
It's not just that I haven't finished it, but up until right now, I hadn't even started. Finally I figured out a partly acceptable thesis-statement, and that's all I have so far. Of course I was so proud of this accomplishment, I had to share it with you at once.
I should also mention that I just had some friends from Oslo/Franklin here, which was great. They are my God-parents, and Katrina has been my "little sis" all my life. Basically they're all family, Brian too even if he's not with them on this trip.
Then all there is for me to do, is to finish my essay! The internet is a scary place, so anyone could, in theory, read this. So just in case: Mr W., I'm sorry about the essay, I'm a terrible student. I promise I'll work on my priorities!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Meet my new friend!
This is my newly purchased friend and companion for the next year, mr. Piggy B. Anks. Yes, such an original name. I'm planning to feed him on a regular basis, and by next summer, maybe he'll be fat enough to butcher. Mohahahaha! Ooor I could just open him up without killing him. Yeah, I think I'll do that.
Did you know that going to homegoods is pretty dangerous? We went in for towels, and came out with towels + 300 dollars worth of other stuff. Like Mr. B. Anks. And pumpkin/spiderweb shaped pasta. And a halloween cookie jar. And a delicious looking sparkling something. And the list goes on. Was it my fault? Yes, partly. But my dad is just as bad as me. Now you must excuse me, I have some zombie shaped/glaced sugarcookies to attend to.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Now, THIS is a wall.
Ah, this was one of this day's projects. I'm happy. And no, I do not have a rubber-ducky fetish, they just keep coming into my possession. Not that I mind, but just sayin'..
Back to my newly finished, lovely wall. This gives me a feeling of home, and shows me those things I would never forget, even without the pictures. And if you're reading this, I'm guessing you're probably up there somewhere.
The problem is, I had many things to do today. Three essays, among those things, all due tomorrow. And other stuff. You're looking at what I spent all my time doing, and now it's almost 10 PM, I've finished one of those essays, aka the easy history one. And I'm wasting time here, because I don't really want to write about how Silone and De Sica ennobled and dignified the poor through their books/movies. I do not want to compare Barardo Viola's and Antonio Ricci's responses to their respective belittlement either. And after I have done that, I truly don't want to stary studying the Anglo-Saxon traditions, to be able to argue whether or not Beowulf's actions corresponded to them. To be fair the subjects are actually very interesting, I just don't feel like doing anything at all right now. I'm certainly not in the right mindset to write interesting essays. I'll marvel at my wall for a bit longer I think, and then we'll see.
Back to my newly finished, lovely wall. This gives me a feeling of home, and shows me those things I would never forget, even without the pictures. And if you're reading this, I'm guessing you're probably up there somewhere.
The problem is, I had many things to do today. Three essays, among those things, all due tomorrow. And other stuff. You're looking at what I spent all my time doing, and now it's almost 10 PM, I've finished one of those essays, aka the easy history one. And I'm wasting time here, because I don't really want to write about how Silone and De Sica ennobled and dignified the poor through their books/movies. I do not want to compare Barardo Viola's and Antonio Ricci's responses to their respective belittlement either. And after I have done that, I truly don't want to stary studying the Anglo-Saxon traditions, to be able to argue whether or not Beowulf's actions corresponded to them. To be fair the subjects are actually very interesting, I just don't feel like doing anything at all right now. I'm certainly not in the right mindset to write interesting essays. I'll marvel at my wall for a bit longer I think, and then we'll see.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Take the bus? Whaaaat?
Small issue here. My dad usually drives me to school when he goes to work every day. My dad also just left for an urgent trip to Indiana. How the heck am I getting to school? I sound like a spoiled brat, I am aware. But I'm not quiite certain about the bus's whereabouts, or when it shows up. I know it's early, before 7 sometime. Meaning it would be sensible to walk to school (An hour-something-walk), so I could sleep longer.
I don't know what to do. So.. someone, anyone: pick me up tomorrow at 7.30, and you'll forever be my hero.
I don't know what to do. So.. someone, anyone: pick me up tomorrow at 7.30, and you'll forever be my hero.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Even for me, this is quite impressive.
The first day at my new school today! Everything was great. I woke up early, got ready in time, got a ride to school, and followed my schedule for this Monday, with my freeblock, bio and French 2. Do you see the problem I didn't see this morning? Yes? No? I'll tell you: Today is not a Monday. Today's Wednesday. It would have been more helpful if I knew that some time around 7.50.
Let me give you an idea of how I thought my day was supposed to be, versus what it was supposed to be like:
Since I had a freeblock I couldn't notice it in first period. About second period.. I don't know what happened. I was not to have biology today, but my teacher was expecting me, so maybe he was as confused as me. Hey, I got to dissect a cow's eye. Again. Yay.
Then for French 2. At first, I was shocked and slightly scared. More than slightly, infact. I didn't know that the teacher would be speaking only French. Not only that, but I could only catch some words here and there, sometimes a sentence. The thing is: my class had no problem with this, they understood everything. Was my French really that bad, and their experience so superior to mine?
So, she asked us all questions about ourselves and about things in general. Indeed, I was the only student to say "Uhhm... What? Can you repeat that...?" And she did. I still didn't understand it. It was horrible.
After class I talked to her, and after a brief discussion, she found my error. "And, oh, this is French 5, for people who have had French since middle school". 'Guess that explains a little.
It's been an interesting day, I must say. And I have some explaining to do tomorrow to some teachers and my housemaster. Also, I already have an essay due for Wednesday next week, from the only class I attended that I was supposed to be in, aka Modern American History.
That's enough school-talk for one night.
Let me give you an idea of how I thought my day was supposed to be, versus what it was supposed to be like:
Since I had a freeblock I couldn't notice it in first period. About second period.. I don't know what happened. I was not to have biology today, but my teacher was expecting me, so maybe he was as confused as me. Hey, I got to dissect a cow's eye. Again. Yay.
Then for French 2. At first, I was shocked and slightly scared. More than slightly, infact. I didn't know that the teacher would be speaking only French. Not only that, but I could only catch some words here and there, sometimes a sentence. The thing is: my class had no problem with this, they understood everything. Was my French really that bad, and their experience so superior to mine?
So, she asked us all questions about ourselves and about things in general. Indeed, I was the only student to say "Uhhm... What? Can you repeat that...?" And she did. I still didn't understand it. It was horrible.
After class I talked to her, and after a brief discussion, she found my error. "And, oh, this is French 5, for people who have had French since middle school". 'Guess that explains a little.
It's been an interesting day, I must say. And I have some explaining to do tomorrow to some teachers and my housemaster. Also, I already have an essay due for Wednesday next week, from the only class I attended that I was supposed to be in, aka Modern American History.
That's enough school-talk for one night.
Monday, August 30, 2010
This is post #100!
Scary as it is, that's not the reason why "yikes" is the title of this post. See, today is kinda the last day of my summer vacation. Tomorrow I have orientation, and then on Wednesday is the big day: my first day at LS. I'm pretty calm right now, but I know that I will, at some point, be scared to death.
To make it all better, I'm completely on my own. Why? We (aka dad and I) are incapable of reading a calendar, and he will be gone on my first day of school. No one to drive me if I miss the bus that I have no idea where is. Or if I oversleep, which is the most likely case, and would lead to theory 1. Perfect.
No, I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes. Yep. Maybe if I write that over and over, I'll start believing it.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
Not working yet. Oh, we'll see.
Scary as it is, that's not the reason why "yikes" is the title of this post. See, today is kinda the last day of my summer vacation. Tomorrow I have orientation, and then on Wednesday is the big day: my first day at LS. I'm pretty calm right now, but I know that I will, at some point, be scared to death.
To make it all better, I'm completely on my own. Why? We (aka dad and I) are incapable of reading a calendar, and he will be gone on my first day of school. No one to drive me if I miss the bus that I have no idea where is. Or if I oversleep, which is the most likely case, and would lead to theory 1. Perfect.
No, I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes. Yep. Maybe if I write that over and over, I'll start believing it.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
I will wake up on time, have a nice, calm morning and be at school in plenty of time to dutifully attend all of my classes.
Not working yet. Oh, we'll see.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Bearly read books
I've found another great new favorite store (If I never told you, the first one is Newbury Comics). This place, as the title indicates, is called "bearly read books". It's a used book store, so they the books are quite cheap. And they're well used, not ripped or full of writing. Well, some are. But I never choose a book with anything written in it. Kinda hypocritical, as I often underline my favorite passages and lines. But then again, that's why I want a fresh book.
I know you are curious to know what I got, so tada:
I'm most excited about the sonnets, and have found what I think will remain my favorite. Which is sonnet 44, should you be curious.
And now I shall leave you alone, since I'm getting up early tomorrow, to play tennis before it gets too hot. Oh, I'm so bad at it. I wish I could say the opposite, or at least with a speck of irony, but I'm truly awful. Uhmm.. Practice makes perfect, aye? :D
I know you are curious to know what I got, so tada:
I'm most excited about the sonnets, and have found what I think will remain my favorite. Which is sonnet 44, should you be curious.
And now I shall leave you alone, since I'm getting up early tomorrow, to play tennis before it gets too hot. Oh, I'm so bad at it. I wish I could say the opposite, or at least with a speck of irony, but I'm truly awful. Uhmm.. Practice makes perfect, aye? :D
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The battle for my blood, bed and what could have been a precious night of sleep.
It's a fact: Bugs have invaded my room. And not just any kind of bugs: Mosquitos. Blodsucking, annoying creatures. Don't get me wrong, there are other kinds of lovely bugs here as well, but none quite as irritating as the flock of bloodsuckers. If you're a long follower, you might have seen my 20 something posts describing my fondness of insects. So yes, I am thrilled.
Today, for the first time in weeks, I decided to go to bed early, and even more shocking, get up early as well. Too bad that's not fucking possible with these things flying around. I'll have to spend my night jumping around my room trying to kill them. Let me demonstrate:
Also, I wonder where the hell they're coming from, as both my windows and doors are closed, and have been all day. There's probably a nest under my bed. Wonderful.
There, I freed myself from some agressio- FUCK THAT BASTARD THAT JUST BIT ME! You shall die. Excuse me for a moment.
Of course the thing is hiding under my bed. And no, I didn't write that just for effect, the thing attacked me. And it just did again, I just acted more gracefully this time. And I have no idea where it is hiding now. And I have a brand new mosquitoebite under my foot. Yes, under it. Doesn't that sound pleasant?
Though I know you love my completely meaningless posts (riiight?), I'll stop now. 'night.
Today, for the first time in weeks, I decided to go to bed early, and even more shocking, get up early as well. Too bad that's not fucking possible with these things flying around. I'll have to spend my night jumping around my room trying to kill them. Let me demonstrate:
Also, I wonder where the hell they're coming from, as both my windows and doors are closed, and have been all day. There's probably a nest under my bed. Wonderful.
There, I freed myself from some agressio- FUCK THAT BASTARD THAT JUST BIT ME! You shall die. Excuse me for a moment.
Of course the thing is hiding under my bed. And no, I didn't write that just for effect, the thing attacked me. And it just did again, I just acted more gracefully this time. And I have no idea where it is hiding now. And I have a brand new mosquitoebite under my foot. Yes, under it. Doesn't that sound pleasant?
Though I know you love my completely meaningless posts (riiight?), I'll stop now. 'night.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
And I'm talking to myself all night because I can't forget
That line was from a great song, fyi, I'm not going crazy quite yet.
Since I refuse to write another poor-me-I-don't-have-a-life-post, though it might be true at the moment, here are five good things from the five last days:
-I got my learner's permit. Other drivers might want to discuss that being a good thing.
-I've been to Boston.
-I now own a few more great CDs. Which I legally bought.
-Grist mill is probably the most peaceful, most beautiful place to sit and read, which I have now discovered.
-I'm no longer broke. For now.
See, it's not so bad.
Today you won't get a new picture for your exciting puzzle, as I'm currently working on fixing up my room a little. I'll give them to you in a few days, I swear! Since I know you're all sitting on the edges of your seats right now, waiting.
Oh, one more good thing: I've discovered Pandora radio, which is great. Too bad that none of my readers in Norway (aka none of my readers.) can listen to it, since it only works in the US, apparently. Hum. Yeah, so I just had to tell you about it so you'd wonder what the hell it is. And that's all!
And as a nice ending, just because it has nothing to do with the post, and because I miss him, and because it's the only normal picture ever taken of us, and because (last one, promise) he'll probably never read this: Voila, you've already seen it if you're reading this, a picture of me and my brother, taken this summer.
Since I refuse to write another poor-me-I-don't-have-a-life-post, though it might be true at the moment, here are five good things from the five last days:
-I got my learner's permit. Other drivers might want to discuss that being a good thing.
-I've been to Boston.
-I now own a few more great CDs. Which I legally bought.
-Grist mill is probably the most peaceful, most beautiful place to sit and read, which I have now discovered.
-I'm no longer broke. For now.
See, it's not so bad.
Today you won't get a new picture for your exciting puzzle, as I'm currently working on fixing up my room a little. I'll give them to you in a few days, I swear! Since I know you're all sitting on the edges of your seats right now, waiting.
Oh, one more good thing: I've discovered Pandora radio, which is great. Too bad that none of my readers in Norway (aka none of my readers.) can listen to it, since it only works in the US, apparently. Hum. Yeah, so I just had to tell you about it so you'd wonder what the hell it is. And that's all!
And as a nice ending, just because it has nothing to do with the post, and because I miss him, and because it's the only normal picture ever taken of us, and because (last one, promise) he'll probably never read this: Voila, you've already seen it if you're reading this, a picture of me and my brother, taken this summer.
Friday, August 6, 2010
If there's no reason to stay awake, nor is there a reason to sleep.
So tell me this.. What do you do, when you're new in Sudbury, have no friends and you're starting to think that it is, in fact, possible to die from boredom? I suppose getting some friends would be a nice start. But what am I supposed to do, walk up to random people on the street? "Hey, I'm Heidi. Wanna be friends?:D"
Just to make sure that you know this, I make situations sound a lot worse than they are. My life is not so tragic that I think it's better to just end it right away. Not yet.
See, I'm doing it again. I swear, it just happens.
I've been busy with moving in and such, but now I think we're just about set. Just about. We still have too many boxes.
Also I spend some time exploring the town of Sudbury. If you happen to drive on route 20, and see a completely soaked person walking in the rain.. Yeah, that's me, once again forgetting to check the weather before I venture outside into this world of impulsive rainstorms.
And since someone actually realized that I lied in my last post, and did not give you a new picture the next day.. Julie, this is for you:
Just to make sure that you know this, I make situations sound a lot worse than they are. My life is not so tragic that I think it's better to just end it right away. Not yet.
See, I'm doing it again. I swear, it just happens.
I've been busy with moving in and such, but now I think we're just about set. Just about. We still have too many boxes.
Also I spend some time exploring the town of Sudbury. If you happen to drive on route 20, and see a completely soaked person walking in the rain.. Yeah, that's me, once again forgetting to check the weather before I venture outside into this world of impulsive rainstorms.
And since someone actually realized that I lied in my last post, and did not give you a new picture the next day.. Julie, this is for you:
Sunday, August 1, 2010
And everything still moves in slow motion.
It's official, from this day on (and for a year), I live in Sudbury.
Apart from a few details, like the 10-minute shower policy and the invasion of the ants, it's perfect. Hey, at least those 100-something ants will make sure I won't be lonely. And there aren't 100 left. I killed at least 30 with my own bare kleenexes, and probably another 50 with that bugspray. The remaining 20 are spread around my room, for my convenience.
Right now I need my sleep, but I felt like informing you that for the next four days, I will be posting pictures of different parts of my new room. And you'll put it together when those days have passed, like a fun puzzle. Yaay!
Apart from a few details, like the 10-minute shower policy and the invasion of the ants, it's perfect. Hey, at least those 100-something ants will make sure I won't be lonely. And there aren't 100 left. I killed at least 30 with my own bare kleenexes, and probably another 50 with that bugspray. The remaining 20 are spread around my room, for my convenience.
Right now I need my sleep, but I felt like informing you that for the next four days, I will be posting pictures of different parts of my new room. And you'll put it together when those days have passed, like a fun puzzle. Yaay!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Now dance, fucker, dance!
Some pictures of the most important things I saw at Universal Studios some days ago:
I'm home from Florida now, after a great week. And now I have nothing to do. Lars Erik left a week ago, my dad's working, and just about all my friends live across the atlantic. Also, I don't want to bug the very few people I know all the time, so they'll be sick of me within a week's time. And there's not a whole lot I can do on my own, as I can't really get anywhere. I need to get a job or something. If I can get to it.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Missed me?
TA-DAA! I kinda regret not going to the beach like that. Oh well. I haven't really been blogging since July 4th, as the last post was just some words quickly put together. So I figured you'd missed me.. No? Really?! Dammit..
Anyway. Right now, I'm in the sunshine state. Which state that is, you'll have to figure out on your own, if you don't know. I'm in Melbourne, where we're staying while my dad is working. Computerstuff, you know. Most of my readers are in Vestnes, where I've heard rumors of rain. So let me tell you about the weather here: BOILING! And it's wicked humid, which is just annoying. But still, it's gorgeous here. Let me show you the view from our room:
Anyway. Right now, I'm in the sunshine state. Which state that is, you'll have to figure out on your own, if you don't know. I'm in Melbourne, where we're staying while my dad is working. Computerstuff, you know. Most of my readers are in Vestnes, where I've heard rumors of rain. So let me tell you about the weather here: BOILING! And it's wicked humid, which is just annoying. But still, it's gorgeous here. Let me show you the view from our room:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Long time no update. Since last post:
-I've had very little sleep.
-I've had a great time with my friends.
-I've spent a night both in Moelv and Reykjavik.
Guess that's it. Oh yeah, and I've moved to the US. I'm currently living in Northborough, but I'm only staying here for a week.Then I'm going to Florida, and when I get home we're moving to Sudbury.
I'll give you a real update very soon, with pictures and all. Until then: Tata-bata!
-I've had very little sleep.
-I've had a great time with my friends.
-I've spent a night both in Moelv and Reykjavik.
Guess that's it. Oh yeah, and I've moved to the US. I'm currently living in Northborough, but I'm only staying here for a week.Then I'm going to Florida, and when I get home we're moving to Sudbury.
I'll give you a real update very soon, with pictures and all. Until then: Tata-bata!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I love the rain.
It's late, but still not dark outside, I'm listening to good music and the rain, and I'm in my warm bed with Robinson Crusoe (the book, if you wonder). Ah, this shall be a great night. Also, there's a huge, monstrous spider right outside my window. And what's the good thing about that? There's a pretty solid piece of glass between us. Oh yes.
Sleep well, all you people who actually bothered to read this. Here's a beautiful song for you.
Sleep well, all you people who actually bothered to read this. Here's a beautiful song for you.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
2 weeks
Counting today, I have 2 weeks left in Vestnes before I leave for the US. Gah, it's insane. And I have so much to do! I've been planning a bit for the next fourteen days, so that I'll have time for everything. For some of the stuff, I'll need nice weather. Oh, guess what? Here's the weather forcast for the next 9 days:
Looks great, aye?
Looks great, aye?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Italia, Te Amo.
So, yeah.. I just got home from Milano. I was there for nearly a week, with my usual traveling-companion, aka my mom. Hey, if she wants to show me all of Europe, I won't say no. Besides, it was a good trip. As any other trip with her, we had a lot of walking, frequent arguing, but great things to be seen, which makes up for it. Also, the weather was great. And we came home to pouring rain. I miss Milano..

"Heidi, get next to the trashcan, I want a picture of it!"
The most beautiful church I have ever seen.
I'm so pale, I reflect the sunlight. I like to think there was something wrong with the camera.
See that McDonald's behind me? I found the perfect guy in there. Not only can he get me as many tiramisu-milkshakes as I want, but he only speaks enough English to give me compliments. Doesn't that sound nice?
I'm not quite sure what this is, I just liked the picture of my mom and me.
It is important to know that this picture was closely followed by the next one. You get the point.
I must say, I felt a bit like Juliet.
At the top of that beautiful church. It was insane.
Wow, we both look tan. Again, at the top of Doumos.
I believe this picture was taken the moment I fell in love, for one of the first times in my life, only this time with a city. (And what was the first time/s? You've all tasted Ben & Jerry's for the first time, right..?)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Note to self: get a pair of hiking shoes.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
There's only one way to find out!
Saturday was interesting. I promised you pictures, but sometimes words describe things just as well (Don't worry, you'll still, obviously, get the pictures). I quote:
"Look, a dancing tree!"
"No Heidi, that's a man."
"No it's not, it'a dancing tree! You know, like in Narnia!:D"
"Nope, that's just a man."
"But..! Oh... It's a man."
Sunday, June 6, 2010
10 am. 10 AM, people.
Let me show you, in pictures and words, how my day started:
Thought nr. 1: "Djeezes, I'm thirsty".
Thought nr. 2: "Why are there cheerios all over the kitchen floor?"
(I removed most of it before I decided to take a picture, just fyi.)

Thought nr. 3: "I'll just go into the living room," quickly followed by "Wha.. Someone's sleeping on my couch".
Thought nr. 4: "wtf?"

Aaand I'll upload some pictures from the cause of my interesting morning, if I ever get them from those who took them)
Thought nr. 1: "Djeezes, I'm thirsty".
Thought nr. 2: "Why are there cheerios all over the kitchen floor?"
(I removed most of it before I decided to take a picture, just fyi.)
Thought nr. 3: "I'll just go into the living room," quickly followed by "Wha.. Someone's sleeping on my couch".
Thought nr. 4: "wtf?"
Aaand I'll upload some pictures from the cause of my interesting morning, if I ever get them from those who took them)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
"Why, thou silly gentleman?"
I know you're wondering what I'm up to nowadays. Not? Really? Oh, I don't care.
Later today I'm going to Moa with Karoline, and I solemny swear I am up to no good. Mihahaha.
What else is going on.. Well, I'm going to Oslo in a bit more than a week, which will be great. And after that, you ask (Yeah, I know you don't, I'm just pretending)? The summer vacation starts. Oh yes. And I shall have a grand summer.
But for now, I'm stuck with school. 9 days left, I think? :D
Cecilie is showing off some lovely disgustingness.
Later today I'm going to Moa with Karoline, and I solemny swear I am up to no good. Mihahaha.
What else is going on.. Well, I'm going to Oslo in a bit more than a week, which will be great. And after that, you ask (Yeah, I know you don't, I'm just pretending)? The summer vacation starts. Oh yes. And I shall have a grand summer.
But for now, I'm stuck with school. 9 days left, I think? :D

Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I'm learnin to speak Texan, y'all!
And yes, I deleted my last post, if y'all wonder. Not that anyone'll miss it. I was bored, ya know.
I'm in the middle of an English project, on the English language. And we (Cec, Rubi, Julie & me) decided to choose different English languages/accents. So, Texan for me! Here's some stuff I found:
Step 1
Add syllables to words. Texans with a heavy accent don't use one-syllable words.
Step 2
Drop the "g" from "ing" when it is found at the end of words. Texans don't go "walking." They go "walkin."
Step 3
Change the "ing" to an "ang" when it is found within a word. Texans with a heavy accent don't "sing." They "sang."
(got this down yonder, if you want the full thing)
Also, this helped:
I'm in the middle of an English project, on the English language. And we (Cec, Rubi, Julie & me) decided to choose different English languages/accents. So, Texan for me! Here's some stuff I found:
Step 1
Add syllables to words. Texans with a heavy accent don't use one-syllable words.
Step 2
Drop the "g" from "ing" when it is found at the end of words. Texans don't go "walking." They go "walkin."
Step 3
Change the "ing" to an "ang" when it is found within a word. Texans with a heavy accent don't "sing." They "sang."
(got this down yonder, if you want the full thing)
Also, this helped:
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A stolen day of freedom
After 5 awesome days off from school, freedom's up. I wasn't ready to let it go of it just yet. In case any future employers for some reason happen to read this: No, I don't just take days off because I feel like it. Never, really, unless I have a good reason (sickness and such). So there.
Today, however, was an exception. Julie (Oh yes, I convinced her to come with me. Not that she was all that unwilling) and I got ourselves "ungdomskort", and visited Kristiansund. A two-hour bus drive, but it was worth it. And so much better than the alternative.
I took a few pictures, but mostly we just.. Spent large amounts of money (on mainly useless things), ate ice cream and found yellow Monster. I'm very close to my own personal heaven.
Karoline couldn't come with us, and this is how happy she was right before we left. Next time, kjære! <3
My traveling companion.
Some random, really cute place we found.
And nevermind what I said about buying useless stuff. I needed this.
Today, however, was an exception. Julie (Oh yes, I convinced her to come with me. Not that she was all that unwilling) and I got ourselves "ungdomskort", and visited Kristiansund. A two-hour bus drive, but it was worth it. And so much better than the alternative.
I took a few pictures, but mostly we just.. Spent large amounts of money (on mainly useless things), ate ice cream and found yellow Monster. I'm very close to my own personal heaven.
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