So an hour later, we once again attempt to get on the bus. It's not as easy as it sounds, you see. This time, the stupid guy won't let me use my free-bus/boat/ferry-for-a-month-card (also refered to as 'ungdomskort',cost: 400-something), because his machinething doesn't work properly, and I don't have the receipt that nobody bothered to tell me I might need. So I had to run to the nearest ATM to get some money to pay the mean person, who btw looked like an egg with a mustache. I used 75 krone, and got to Ålesund an hour late.
Ah, I love it when a day starts out this great.
Ah, I love it when a day starts out this great.
hahaahahhaha x)
egg med bart faktisk^^
gjor d ikke så masse bedre at i betalte sånn.. 35 kr? :D
( *drysse salt i såret, lalalaaaa* )
sv; haha, skjønna det ikkje heilt i heller :O utenom at i kjøpte mange ting på salg :P haha. Me skal finne den skyldige og... BALLTRE!!!!! :D:D:D
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