Sunday, December 4, 2011

These are the best days of our lives. It's a terrible thing to know, but I know it.

After celebrating my birthday, I realized that that night may very well be one of the best nights I've ever experienced. And without doubt it's the best birthday I've ever had. When I get all the pictures I'll write a post dedicated to it, but right now I figured I'd list all the other (the ones I can remember atm) such best days/nights I've had. So ta-da, a list of my happiest moments, in no order whatsoever:

-The day of the System of a Down concert in San Diego.
-The entire day/night spent in a rubber boat with Amalie and Julie.
-The first ever pumpkin-carving day with Siri.
-The Sunday in late July, 2009.
-A small party at Amalie's many years ago, at the end remaining with only Amalie, May Britt, Julie and me.
-The day this February when I made a surprise visit to Norway.
-The day Lars Erik, Victoria, Silje and I went to Hunderfossen.
-A random summer's day many years ago. It was nothing special, just a crowd hanging out at the beach and playing volleyball and soccer, but it was perfect.
-The day at Raumarock with Cec and Julie. (and don't you even dare think what you're thinking. It's on the list because of the festival feeling with two great friends and great music)
-The day of the "Scenen er din" contest several years ago, when we reached the finals.
-First lego league, the actual day of the contest.
-The day when Karro and I were out all day in that boat.
-The All Time Low concert with Sally.
-And now, of course, night of the 3rd of December, a great party with incredible people. I love you guys.

Alright, the list turned out a bit longer than it was supposed to. And there are more days that should be on it, but y'know. I don't have time right now, but I'll soon edit this to contain some pictures from these awesome days.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Also known as the-exam-they're-making-me-take-today-because-last-year's-math-in-the-US-apparently-cannot-count. Too bad, I wish they'd use my grade from last year. It was one of the very, veryvery few classes I got an A in. Which is weird, since, y'know, I sort of despise math. But let's hope the weirdness continues, and that I will have a somewhat successful exam today! Cross your fingers for me, alright?

Oh, and I feel like mentioning that I've never worked so hard for anythig in my life. If you saw my math book you'd understand. Or maybe rather if you know how much I usually work for things. Ohwell.

I need to get ready now, so wish me luck!!

This is getting me through the day (Not that I'm allowed to listen to it during the exam though. Grumblemumble..)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October 31st

Just saluting the best day of the year.

Happy Halloween everyone! And yes, I'm a few days late, but y'know.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wenn du wüsstest wie sehr ich befürchtet dass ich dich verlier.

 Today has been uneventful. Got two more ear piercings though.

Aand I have to wait a month to get the last one. Meaning I have to walk back into that jewelry store with the overly talkative lady who lacks a social antenna. Things I've learned today, between missing the boat and finally excusing myself to at least catch the next ferry:

-Her father who's been ill for some time is coming back to town in a week's time. Along with a nice description of his illness.
-She has two young boys. One of them is only her step son. He's in forth grade, her other kid just started first  grade.
-She does not want the summer vacation to last for two months. She'd rather have the kids do no homework throughout the entire year, and then just have a month off. This is mostly due to the fact that she has a firstgrader who cannot be home alone for two months, and she cannot take all that time off. And a bunch of other reasons which she explained in detail to me, but I just won't put you through that.
-Her step son does not like all the stress with living a week in each home. And then she listed the reasons and what they have done to solve the problem.
 -Last week she went to the store with her family. The guy behind the counter messed up the reciept, so she paid too much for the kids' candy. This annoys her, because it has been her favorite store.
-Oh, and she has a friend who has a father in Germany. The fact that I have a German line from some lyrics as my title is, trust me, completely unrelated.

Now, after the summary of what she told me in the 20 minutes it took me to get my piercings and escape, you could be her stalker. No need though, just drop by and she'll tell you everything herself, and tons more if you don't have an excuse to leave and you are too rude to make one up.

Now that I am assured that you have a lot of interesting and informative reading, I shall take my leave and go study for the history test tomorrow. Or go for a walk while listening to Oomph!. Probably the latter.