Thursday, August 28, 2014


I'll give you a few pictures to explain why I've been too busy to write.

Summed up in words: The apartment's a lot of work and still a bit of a mess, Ancient Greek (which I'm just taking for fun or something) is killing me, but my room is finally starting to look like a room. And that's all I'll give you at 1:30 am when I should be working on my Greek translations and stuff.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Heeey there. I've neglected this blog. Y'know, for the last few years or so. I'll try writing again a bit though, I realized the other day that I've missed it. Even if most of my blog has been me whining about things I need to do but haven't done. Sorry about that, dear readers of the past. I'm moving into my new apartment tomorrow (in Trondheim, if that has escaped anyone who might read this), so perhaps I'll post then. This will be all for now, as I have to make a complete IKEA list for tomorrow's money-draining shopping. Yikes. But here's a beautiful song/video if you can't bear parting just yet.