Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Here's the Knutruds!

I've been living in Mannheim for the past few days, with Lars Erik and pappa. And a grand time it's been. As you can see, we've taken a family photo. I have many more, but I don't want to scare you guys too badly.
That's all for now, as I'm on my way home to Vestnes. Oh, and I'm walking from the ferry. More than one hour out in the cold, half-snowy night, with 2 big bags.. Yay.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh, nevermind.

Should have listened to the signs, I know.
But it could have been worse. So I'll make a list of a few things, to show why today was a good day:
1- I decided it would be, therefore it is.
2- I had ice cream.
3- Because I failed my math test this time, it'll look like I improved a lot if I get a good grade next time.
4- I didn't have to take the test I surely would have failed.
5- I got to postpone the drawing of blood from my veins by a day. (A normal let's-figure-out-if-something's-seriously-wrong-with-you test. It sounds more drastic than it is. I think.)
6-And as a follow-up to the last point, I didn't have to get lost while hunting for the big, probably white building that is the hospital.
7-I don't (think I) have anything I really need to do.
8-I didn't miss the bus.

8's a good number, so I'll just stop there. Today wasn't that bad after all.

Today will be a grand day.

Why, you ask? I'm not really sure. It was just one of my first thoughts when I woke up.
The sky is gray and you can't really see that far because of the fog. I have a presentation at school that I haven't even finished. I'm awake now, though it's not even 6 AM yet. None of these are usually signs of a good day. But it will be, it will be.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Amazing people and an elephant

I'm so sorry. For those of you who started reading this just because of the word "elephant", I must disappoint you. There will not be a single reference (except this one) to that animal in this post. I just had to trick you into start reading in the first place. And you've come this far, why not continue?
I will write about amazing people though. Because two very amazing and thoroughly awesome people just had their birthdays. Karoline (Saturday) and Siri (Monday).
This is for calling me a retard, you retard. Oh, you know I love you anyway. ♥

I've posted this picture before, but Siri, you've honestly got a huge hide-whenever-a-camera's-even-close-to-close-issue. And you're the strangest person I've ever met. That's probably why you're my best friend. Love you, cherrypie.

Also, I'm going to post some slightly embarrasing, weird and all-together disturbing pictures sometime soon. Make that "going to" a "might". We'll see.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Have you NEVER licked your friend's apple?!"

This sounds wrong, just wrong. This is normal for Anna and Aurora though.
Oh, and edit on last post: I was supposed to make Anna sound great, but she forgot to mention that before I posted it. So I'm sorry about that, here's to make up for it:This took me at least 10 minutes to make, so she'd better like it.


I promised you your own post, here it is. This picture reflects your personality well: slightly retarded. That's okay though, you've got other good qualities, like.. Like.. I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure you have, uhm, at least one. Well hope you enjoyed your very own post! :D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back to school, and some good music.

Wow, I feel like I've had a small vacation or something. I do prefer being able to leave the house and such though.

Anyway. I don't think I've recommended music for a while now, so here we go:

Rush. A band formed all the way back in the 60's. Yup, they're kinda old. And great. I heard their music while driving somewhere, maybe that's why I think of this as great roadtrip music.
Here's one of my favorite songs:

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Get well soon"

2 posts in one day, I do believe this is some kind of record.
I feel like I had to though. About an hour ago Karoline called me and told me to open the front door. She was standing there with this: Thank you, kjære


As we speak (well, kinda), I am watching a small, black, evil and many-legged creature. Yup, a spider has invaded my home. Normally I'd scream for my brother to come kill it. Since he lives in Molde now, I'd scream for my mom. Who just left for work. I am all alone with this monster. Uggh.
Also, I've had the flu since Friday. And I've done nothing but feeling sorry for myself. And this.. this.. thing makes it even worse. Oh poor, poor, pitiful me. But I've got ice cream, so it'll be alright.
Now I shall defend my castle! Adieu!

Uhm.. I shall wait just a while before I do that, just fyi.. (Meaning: Pleeeease come over and get rid of the spider for me? :D)