I'm so sorry. For those of you who started reading this just because of the word "elephant", I must disappoint you. There will not be a single reference (except this one) to that animal in this post. I just had to trick you into start reading in the first place. And you've come this far, why not continue?
I will write about amazing people though. Because two very amazing and thoroughly awesome people just had their birthdays.
Karoline (Saturday) and Siri (Monday).

This is for
calling me a retard, you retard. Oh, you know I love you anyway. ♥

I've posted this picture before, but Siri, you've honestly got a huge hide-whenever-a-camera's-even-close-to-close-issue. And you're the strangest person I've ever met. That's probably why you're my best friend. Love you, cherrypie.
Also, I'm going to post some slightly embarrasing, weird and all-together disturbing pictures sometime soon. Make that "going to" a "might". We'll see.
I want to see the elephant!
"you dirty little liar!"
(quote from mean girls (a) )
Haha, shit.. Kordan kan i ha unngått å sjå detta før no? ;O kanskje i egentlig he sett det, men bære fortrengt det x) hmm..
Uansett, Love You yoo <3
Du bist nicht ein pferd! :'D du bist meinen retard! <3 eller kordan DET staves liksom xp
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