Thursday, August 19, 2010

The battle for my blood, bed and what could have been a precious night of sleep.

It's a fact: Bugs have invaded my room. And not just any kind of bugs: Mosquitos. Blodsucking, annoying creatures. Don't get me wrong, there are other kinds of lovely bugs here as well, but none quite as irritating as the flock of bloodsuckers. If you're a long follower, you might have seen my 20 something posts describing my fondness of insects. So yes, I am thrilled.

Today, for the first time in weeks, I decided to go to bed early, and even more shocking, get up early as well. Too bad that's not fucking possible with these things flying around. I'll have to spend my night jumping around my room trying to kill them. Let me demonstrate:

Also,  I wonder where the hell they're coming from, as both my windows and doors are closed, and have been all day. There's probably a nest under my bed. Wonderful.

There, I freed myself from some agressio- FUCK THAT BASTARD THAT JUST BIT ME! You shall die. Excuse me for a moment.
Of course the thing is hiding under my bed. And no, I didn't write that just for effect, the thing attacked me. And it just did again, I just acted more gracefully this time. And I have no idea where it is hiding now. And I have a brand new mosquitoebite under my foot. Yes, under it. Doesn't that sound pleasant?

Though I know you love my completely meaningless posts (riiight?), I'll stop now. 'night.

1 comment:

BL said...

I do love your completely meaningless posts! ^^