Friday, January 7, 2011

You know they say that bad things get better the second time around? Yeah? That's fucking bullshit.

I miss my brother. Last time I saw him? A few hours ago. Next time I'll see him? Oh, about half a year from now. Goodbyes really suck. And now I'm sitting in my suddenly too big and too lonely house blasting The Mars Volta. A wonderful way to spend a Friday evening. At least I've got good music.

Oh, while I'm writing in such a cheerful tone, I'll throw in a quote from my teacher concerning the great depression: "But.. How did prohibition really end then?" "Honestly, after the great depression.. I think they all just needed a drink."

And now, my dear readers who have not read a post from me in a month, I could make up some lousy excuse and apologize, but I'm simply going to move in to my bed now and stay there for a few days or so. And since I'm too lazy to take a picture of my own, here's a google-picture of a random bed that looks pretty comfy. 'night mates!


Dørkarm said...

I ser d nye designet!:D Wee. Ja.
Nei, d e fint d, altså.

Karoline said...

He ikkje fått brevet ditt enda, når sendte du det sa du? xD
Men i skal sende ditt ett av dei nermaste dagan da :D

Karoline igjen.. said...

Btw, nye designet va awesome :D

MAALIE said...

hihiih, i likte skyan som va her før i. mew. men liker og blåå bakgrunn ^^

søtami<3 må alltif lese innlegga dine fleire ganga fordi i sug i engelsk. ah. miss u!<3