Saturday, January 28, 2012

And besides, there's so much beauty in a storm.

I haven't written a decent blog post in ages. Don't get your hopes up, I won't today either. I just wanted to show you, O' devoted readers, my project for the past few days. I can't see why anybody who doesn't know me, and by that probably sees my room regularly, would bother reading this, so I'll assume you will all see the difference.

Aand since the picture below is me at the moment, that's all I have for you right now. Because "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!" (Being Juliedeer and some fancy sparkly strawberry stuff I got from my mom for my birthday.) Cheerio!


Geir said...

...Vel, i e i hvert fall ein trofast lesar og rommet ditt ser fint nok ut t å besøkast snart.


-Heidi said...

Yay! :D
Og wanna definere "snart" litt meir spesifikt? As in "imårrå" "neste veke" "na måneden" eller nåkkå slikt... ?^^
