Sunday, June 6, 2010

10 am. 10 AM, people.

Let me show you, in pictures and words, how my day started:

Thought nr. 1: "Djeezes, I'm thirsty".
Thought nr. 2: "Why are there cheerios all over the kitchen floor?"
(I removed most of it before I decided to take a picture, just fyi.)

Thought nr. 3: "I'll just go into the living room," quickly followed by "Wha.. Someone's sleeping on my couch".
Thought nr. 4: "wtf?"

Aaand I'll upload some pictures from the cause of my interesting morning, if I ever get them from those who took them)

1 comment:

Cecilie Stokkeland said...

"gggrrrrr! I'm the monster sleeping on your couch..."