Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Even for me, this is quite impressive.

The first day at my new school today! Everything was great. I woke up early, got ready in time, got a ride to school, and followed my schedule for this Monday, with my freeblock, bio and French 2. Do you see the problem I didn't see this morning? Yes? No? I'll tell you: Today is not a Monday. Today's Wednesday. It would have been more helpful if I knew that some time around 7.50.
Let me give you an idea of how I thought my day was supposed to be, versus what it was supposed to be like:

Since I had a freeblock I couldn't notice it in first period. About second period.. I don't know what happened. I was not to have biology today, but my teacher was expecting me, so maybe he was as confused as me. Hey, I got to dissect a cow's eye. Again. Yay.
Then for French 2. At first, I was shocked and slightly scared. More than slightly, infact. I didn't know that the teacher would be speaking only French. Not only that, but I could only catch some words here and there, sometimes a sentence. The thing is: my class had no problem with this, they understood everything. Was my French really that bad, and their experience so superior to mine?
So, she asked us all questions about ourselves and about things in general. Indeed, I was the only student to say "Uhhm... What? Can you repeat that...?" And she did. I still didn't understand it. It was horrible.
After class I talked to her, and after a brief discussion, she found my error. "And, oh, this is French 5, for people who have had French since middle school". 'Guess that explains a little.

It's been an interesting day, I must say. And I have some explaining to do tomorrow to some teachers and my housemaster. Also, I already have an essay due for Wednesday next week, from the only class I attended that I was supposed to be in, aka Modern American History.

That's enough school-talk for one night.


bror said...

good work heidi!

Karoline said...

Hahaha, koffor e i ikkje overraska over at du greide det der? Åsså heile dagen?
Huffa :')

Siljemonster said...

Heidi oppdatere?(A) Siljemonster savner deg.