Sunday, April 26, 2009

Love stories, a spider and quotes

I just watched Titanic, again. I love this movie. It's one of the sweetest love stories ever. I simply have a weak spot for love stories. So now I'm listening to "My Heart Will Go On", it has been playing on repeat for almost an hour now.

Did I ever mention that I hate spiders? If I didnt: I HATE SPIDERS. Right now there is a spider somewhere in my room, hiding. I saw it a few minutes ago, but now it's gone. I last saw it right over my bed..... Waait, there it is! Great, once again right over my bed. But I can't kill it, I just can't. They never die, they only pretend. So if I'm brave enough to squash it with some paper, it'll come crawling over my fingers or something the next moment. I'll have to get my mom or my brother to do it. Damn, it just hid again. And I will not sleep in my room if it's not dead before I go to bed. Such small and evil creatures, those spiders.

My brother's girlfriend, Silje, was here for the weekend. I hung out with her while my brother was working on Saturday. I have so many great quotes from that day. Most of them aren't funny in English, that's too bad.

I'm kinda annoyed at youtube atm by the way. I've uploaded the video from my musicproject, but since I used songs with copyright, they've muted it. The whole thing. Arrr..
Now I'm off spiderhunting. I'll write again sometime. Maybe even soon.

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