Monday, July 6, 2009

10 reasons why I'm happy today

1. I woke up smiling.
2. It's sunny outside.
3. I got to say goodbye to Julie before she goes to England.
4. I'm meeting Amalie later.
5. My sunburn's starting to fade.
6. I didn't forget anything when I went grocery-shopping.
7. I woke up early, but could sleep as long as I wanted to.
8. My room hasn't been overheated all day, which it usually is.
9. It's less than two weeks until I'm going to the US.
10. Siri's coming home soon.
11. Everything's pretty great.
That was 11, if you didn't notice. Just had to add that last one.

I haven't written anything in my blog for.. Well, over a month. But this isn't my first priority when we've been having great weather the last month. Except a thunderstorm, but that's okay, 'cause I love thunderstorms. We never get proper ones here, but the one we had a week ago was great. I should have taken some pictures, but I didn't. Do you like thunderstorms?
(random thunderstorm-picture found on google)

1 comment:

Big fan said...

Hello, I'm number 10.
When we drove to Oslo, I saw violet lightnings! Yeah. Never mind my ingleesh. You, Heidi, go do a good job writing stuff, yes 'key? Let's have some fun, tra la la la.. Å jada. Whaggachakka.