Sunday, January 10, 2010

Randomness of the day, and other stuff.

I guess if you've seen this, you've also seen the new "randomness of the day". It should really be named "Randomness of whenever I feel like writing (or copy/pasting) something random". But that's just not quite as catchy. So "Randomness of the day" it is.

Soo.. You'll probably never get the long "in the US" post. Partly because it'd be boring with this enormous post, partly because you know the most vital parts, partly because I'm lazy. It would have been easier if I just wrote while I was there. But again: I'm lazy.

Random picture from Times square :D

But I promise I'll write next year. While I'm living in the US. With my dad. (If you're still interested in reading. And if not; I'll just write anyway. For my imaginary friends to read) I still can't believe how that happened, I thought it impossible. But yes, I'm living with my dad and my stepmother next year. So I'll be attending Nashoba Regional High School, in Bolton. If that says you anything :)

And yeah, I'm starting at a new school, completely friendless. I can't wait. Anyone in Bolton/Stow/Lancaster reading this who'll be my friend?:D No..? Damn.

This post turned out pretty long anyway. Hum.


Anonymous said...

fer d jo venna du :P bere ta ma bubble wrap eller nåkkå sånnder på skulen, så fer du sikkert fullt av venna ma en gang :D

(eh, Julie btw.)

Anonymous said...

..Å i lova å lese bloggen din^^ må jo ha nåkkå å gjer på når i e på skulen?

Pååååååskeharen said...

RAWRRRRRRRR eg kjedar meg!
me he NORSK. poor poor us. (you know who we are).

Btw, the rain has not fallen. I repeat, the rain has not fallen.

The Broncosaurus who got hungry and is real sorry he ate your uncle said...

ehm.. okay den forrige blei litt random. men me e overtrøtt. å me kjeda oss. å me he NORSK FFS. (fine, dei to siste tinga går for d samme.

Bronco :) (we're on first names now right? said...

Btw I'll puke him back up again if you want me to, he didn't taste that good anyway.

-Heidi said...

Hahaha. The rain will fall soon. Arrghr.