Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh, nevermind.

Should have listened to the signs, I know.
But it could have been worse. So I'll make a list of a few things, to show why today was a good day:
1- I decided it would be, therefore it is.
2- I had ice cream.
3- Because I failed my math test this time, it'll look like I improved a lot if I get a good grade next time.
4- I didn't have to take the test I surely would have failed.
5- I got to postpone the drawing of blood from my veins by a day. (A normal let's-figure-out-if-something's-seriously-wrong-with-you test. It sounds more drastic than it is. I think.)
6-And as a follow-up to the last point, I didn't have to get lost while hunting for the big, probably white building that is the hospital.
7-I don't (think I) have anything I really need to do.
8-I didn't miss the bus.

8's a good number, so I'll just stop there. Today wasn't that bad after all.


Karoline said...

Haha, i lika måten din å snu det å stryke til en bra ting :'D

Karoline said...

sv; hahaha! Du e jo i heilårsdvale du ;P

Karoline said...

sv; hahaha! Du e jo i heilårsdvale du ;P