Thursday, January 21, 2010


Time: 03:32 AM
Location: My bed.
Status: Not tired, and should start on tomorrow's French-presentation.
Time until the day starts: 1 hour and 28 minutes.

How come I have so many posts about myself not being able to sleep? Gotta be kinda boring to read. Well I need something to do. And besides, I'm not forcing you.

Random picture of the day/night/whatever:Can't believe this was taken just some years back. Karoline and me, should you wonder. On a bus, heading towards Trondheim with our class and quite a few other people.

And now: French. Or sleep. Or getting ready for school, whichever comes first.


Silje Kristine said...

Haha, det ble så sent ja? :D
Det er slik Heidimonsteret er designet til å være, og jeg liker heidimonsteret best sånn:D

Karoline said...

Uææh, I look like a freakshow ^^