Saturday, February 13, 2010


Today/night, I'm going to break all my personal rules, everything I told myself I'd never do.. Yes, you guessed it. I'm posting an outfit photo. TO MY DEFENCE: I bought this dress today, in a secondhand store. And I love it. And the slippers fit, right? And.. I don't have to explain this.
Oh, and yeah.. Just so that I've warned you, once and for all: This IS what you'll meet if you ever try to wake me while I'm sleeping. And yes, I like to scare people away from my blog by posting scary pictures of myself.
What have I forgotten.. Ah. Happy Valentine's day! I was intending to celebrate the day by going to a romantic movie, alone, eating ice cream, alone, then going to bed, alone. But I changed my mind. So first I'm watching the stars/sunrise with Karoline and Julie, then we're gonna sleep, then sleep, then sleep some more, then.. sleep? Sounds like a grand day to me!


1 comment:

BL said...