Friday, August 6, 2010

If there's no reason to stay awake, nor is there a reason to sleep.

So tell me this.. What do you do, when you're new in Sudbury, have no friends and you're starting to think that it is, in fact, possible to die from boredom? I suppose getting some friends would be a nice start. But what am I supposed to do, walk up to random people on the street? "Hey, I'm Heidi. Wanna be friends?:D"

Just to make sure that you know this, I make situations sound a lot worse than they are. My life is not so tragic that I think it's better to just end it right away. Not yet.
See, I'm doing it again. I swear, it just happens.

I've been busy with moving in and such, but now I think we're just about set. Just about. We still have too many boxes.
Also I spend some time exploring the town of Sudbury. If you happen to drive on route 20, and see a completely soaked person walking in the rain.. Yeah, that's me, once again forgetting to check the weather before I venture outside into this world of impulsive rainstorms.

And since someone actually realized that I lied in my last post, and did not give you a new picture the next day.. Julie, this is for you:


Julie said...

thanks ;D

AMALIE said...

Sv: Jeeeep;)

begynte ikke å grine berre i såg at du skreiv hallo i breve nei;(

Savne de Heidi! Komme hjem!! <3