Sunday, February 27, 2011

Next time I attempt to cross the atlantic, I swear it'll be by boat.

 Does this look like my back yard, which I am supposed to be looking at right now?
 No? Yes?
Once again I'm stuck somewhere overnight while trying to get home. And I would be overjoyed to stay one more day in Norway, except that I have to spend it at an Oslo hotel, not at home in Vestnes. Oh, and in case you're not from Vestnes/are aware of my fantastic plans, I just stayed 48 hours in my lovely hometown, with its wonderful inhabitants. I might write about that later. Too bad I don't have pictures of people's faces when I showed up, I wasn't exactly expected there. But I have pictures, and will share them as soon as possible. In fact, I'll share just a few right now, the ones that I shot with my own camera.
Tante Aud and Sondre cutie, with the awesome hat I got him.
Amalie sweetie and me, waiting for the ferry to Vestnes
Kamillakjære, with glasses that fit her personality wonderfully.

Lars Erik and Silje, cute as ever.

Back to my incredibly bad traveling-luck.
Actually, there's not much to say. I take a one PM flight tomorrow, and when I get home I am not planning to fly anywhere else in the near future. So there.

1 comment:

amalieee said...

åhåhåhåh! legge ut bilde på facce<3<3<3 søte vi er ;**