Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's been a while

This is why I have no readers. For those who don't get my point, it's because I suddenly take a month off from writing. And even after saying I'd write soon. Well, there are many other reasons why I don't have readers, but this one is among them. I know 1-2 of my friends read this once in a while, I haven't forgotten you. Thanx btw.

So school has started. This takes up the majority of my time, since I wake up at five and get home at five. Yes, I lied, it only takes half my time. But half is more than enough. Besides, I'm always tired when I get home, after a night of barely any sleep and a long day at school. Well, it makes me appreciate the weekends more I guess.

Tonight I've fulfilled a dream. I tried out the combination of a big water fountain + a lot of soap. I've always wanted to try that. And the result was wonderful. People stopped to take pictures. Well, at least before someone had to turn it off to prevent bubbles from taking over Molde. By tomorrow I expect we'll be famous.
I also went to see Inglorious Basterds today. If you haven't seen it, please do. It's great, really great.
I don't have any pictures from today yet, but I'll put them up once I do.

1 comment:

Silje Kristine said...

Huff.. Jeg synes seriøst synd på deg som må stå opp så tidlig hver morgen:S

Og zalo + fontene = <3
gleder meg til å se bilde:D